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2006-05-08 04:35:39| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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soak in my own emotions

think of nothing but just let myself go......

out of everthing...

just this moment

let me express whatever i have....

whatever been sitting right inside my heart

warning myself

after tonite

i have no right to cry

after everyting is over

all i should think of is my usual life, nothing else

stop repeating songs

just let it go

forcing things to happen is not the way to go

in the end

i’m just hurting myself and making other ppl feel disgust...

maybe i should just keep my remaining pride

sit still

be elegant


most important of all

be myself....

this is an end...

well...i’m hoping this is the end of the story

i’m hoping i wont be writing all these crap in my blog.

i want to live like the usual Fiona



Don’t remind me ANYTHING

台長: ҒїоиΛ
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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