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2006-07-11 12:31:49| 人氣164| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

ada’s life

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5/7 (Thu.)

Tonight, having a dinner with Perry.Ting & Uncle Chan @ma po茶坊@TST...
2 staff look VS 2 casaul look..haha

I just remember one of the waitresses @ma po is really pretty ga wor...
& one of the waiters looks like E.Chan...

other things I forget la..
anyway, yummy yummy~~~~~~~~

7/7 (Sat.)

yeah yeah yeah ! Half-day off..
leave work meet meet Perry sin~
then ,dinner with Family@Causeway Bay~~
00:00 back home ,I feel exhausted~
8/7 (Sun.)

I like my bed very much, but I can’t stick on it...
today,whole family join my sister’s school function..

I scare of the weather here recenlty,
suddenly raining dog and cat,just like typhoon..
suddenly having a sunny day~

I buy a pair of new glasses la..."粗kwan"one...
but don’t know pretty or not...haha

I will also buy cons...may be these few weeks..are you interest in it,GRACIE??

台長: Ada
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全站分類: 家庭生活(育兒、親子關係、婚姻)

5/8晚上約了miss choy吃飯~你去到嗎???

2006-07-21 00:21:05
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