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2002-06-21 17:58:30| 人氣62| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Sex In the city-1

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Today I was up watching Sex in the City at 2:30 in the morning.
As usual, watching the show always give me goose bumps and get me thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking like crazy.
I phoned my baby, he was busy, I asked for a hug and he cuddled right back even though we are one telephone line away from each other, even though we are just another 12 hours apart, I felt depressed. I missed him, watch this show always make me think about life and my soul mate.
And I saw a meteor!!
I was thrilled without any good reason, and out of impulse I made a wish
“I’ll always love him”

Surprised by myself, I guess I want to experience a thing call
“Let’s love one men for the rest of your life”


台長: 嫻......賢
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I still missed you.
I still love you.
2007-02-23 01:43:31
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