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2004-06-30 19:07:45

Louis Eliot Live @HRC

14th June, 2004. It was Louis Eliot first acoustic gig at Hard Rock Café and frankly I wasn’t thrilled or excited. I was kinda emotionless, perhaps I’ve seen gigs before or perhaps I’m not a bi...

2004-06-30 19:06:57

Michael Nyman and his band

11th June, 2004. 11th June was a special day for me because I went to see Michael Nyman and his band in Kwai Fong Theatre. At first, I didn’t think of going because I’m not familiar with his wor...

2004-06-09 23:01:50


唔通迷一樣野會迷下迷下迷上腦?迷到發夢? 好搞笑!我今朝竟然發夢見到我的特普Johnny Depp 啊!夢中既Depp黎我以前讀間中學應徵教英文!!!搞唔搞笑先?!最頂癮係我夢見interview my Depp 既係教我中文既權權老...

2004-06-02 11:25:28

I’m begging you please

It seems that everyone around me has the same fate as me. We’re all poor, all broke, all jobless. We want money and part-time jobs to support our ‘敗家’ habits – buying CDs crazily, going to gigs ...

2004-05-16 02:20:00


Don't say Happy Birthday to me I'm not happy at all

2004-05-16 02:10:00

Another No One

She takes the blame takes the pain but the world smiles 'Cos outside is just a taxi ride to drive away So she packs her bag calls a cab and the world smiles And inside well she feels all right and ...

2004-05-02 00:39:00


像我這樣的一個的女子—— 金牛座下的維納斯; 生於—— 五月十五日零辰一時, 她天生易惹人注視? 若然我真是 這樣的一個的女子, 上天定跟開個玩笑兒! 我豈能受人注視? 是我太低調還是我沒在意? ...

2004-04-28 00:20:00


領教過被魚骨剌在喉嚨內沒想辦法吞去或吐出的滋味嗎?這種感覺絕不好受。對於身邊典型香港青年的諸種怪行,小女子實有如剌在喉,不吐不快之感。 外國人譏笑香港乃文化沙漠,沙漠居民真是膚淺;外國也有不少沙漠居...

2004-04-26 22:36:00


This song is dedicated to those who copy our ideas. I appreciate the way you guys shamelessly copy our stuff. Don't tell me your idea is very original! Keep doing that, huh?! Keep stealing our stuff!!...

2004-04-23 22:17:00


各位同學,你地知唔知點樣可以判斷到一個男仔係咪咸濕呢?其實好簡單,等我教你地做以下一個有趣小實驗就知0架啦! 地點: 課室一間 材料: 女仔數個 實驗對象一個,非男不可 咸濕/搞笑/任何有關性既...

2004-04-07 20:26:00

WE’RE C7之我們做雞是對的!

今日ENGLISH ORAL 超搞笑,我地一早諗定個plan 竟然work 0咼!不過本身有點阻滯。咪隻死Big Un lor, 邊有人好似佢咁低能,又唔知自己詞不達意,講野同食泥無分別,人地連lunch都唔同你食,有乜可能會同你一齊debate ...

2004-03-28 16:00:00

Life is very long when you're lonely

"...What I really need, what I'm really looking for, is not something I can articulate. it's nonverbal: I need love. I need the thing that happens when your brain shuts off and your heart turns on. ...

2004-03-23 18:37:00


History repeats itself And I'm afraid of making the same mistake again...

2004-03-20 23:45:00

Placebo Live in HK - Where Is My Mind?

This is the only Placebo photo taken by me. i did take quite a few but only this photo can be developed! Damn it! The show was fantastic and the band played unexpectedly well. Sadly my friends and I a...

2004-02-27 23:05:00


你有冇發覺一班入面總有d人係乜friends, 而佢地一係就做獨行俠一係就死跟人,以下我要介紹呢個好很掂既人,佢叫Big Uncle (大叔), 佢係一個貌似中年阿叔而又百年難求既超級吊靴鬼。 今個星期三Ramani無返,我地見...

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