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2004-05-27 19:35:07| 人氣40| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Three men and I

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Mr. Young can make me feel warm when he talks to me, especially on the phone
Petite can cheer me up when he's alone with me.
Mr. Big can let me tremble with fear, fear of losing him.

I know Mr. Young will never be my "boyfriend", and Petite, the chance is faint.

When I see Mr. Young shows up with his girlfriend, I won't feel particularly jealous, but when I see Petite and Rueye, there's something bitter inside my heart. As to Mr. Big, if I can win back his heart, that will be great; if not, what can I say.

I'll never forget that night when Mr. Young and I had the first kiss, and the second, and the third.

'04/05/27 17:15
in T.G.I.Fridays

台長: 慵懶到不行
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