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2002-11-19 03:52:29| 人氣261| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

一起在英國長大:【生活日記三】Half term

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Today I went to Play Scheme. I've been there twice before. I know all the helpers , they are all nice. I like Di best. Ha! Ha! You know Kate is right! It's Di this, Di that, Di, Di , Di! Everybody knows me, except the new helpers of course. Lunch was ok. Kate brought up this joke that Tim and Di are going to be married soon, but she trusts me and told me it was only a joke.

We went swimming. I sat with Di and talked to her all the way to St. Luke's pool. We are not allowed to dive, pity. We have to slide into the pool. A helper called Elliot came and pulled me around in the water! Then I played shark with Kate. Another child played with us as well. She couldn't go very deep, ha ha! I went as deep as I could, but then Kate was the shark so it was no use. Then my chance came. Kate took a child to the loo just in time. Then we had to get out and have a wash. I love to go to Play Scheme!(29/10/02)

1.Half term: 英國小學一年分成三個學期(term),分別是九月初開學,上課至十二月中後,就是聖誕節假期,隔年一月上旬開學,三月底開始放復活節的假,四月中至七月中是最後一個term,每個term的中間,還放一星期的假,就是Half term了。
2.Play Scheme: 是我就讀的大學為教授員工及學生的小孩所辦的Half term活動,為期五天,包括游泳、團康遊戲,及至主題樂園一日遊等,由大學生負責帶領小朋友作活動,小朋友和大學生幾乎是一比一,所以看起來好像很多helper的樣子。

台長: Jenny
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