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2004-10-29 06:18:45| 人氣23| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Lazy Week~

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No sketching is draw in this week...
This week is extremely lazy.
Although I haven’t done anything , I’m livable this week~~
Wednesday 迳 We went to green box to have a great lunch .
Characters 迳 Pinky, Kathy, Eunice, GiGi, Heidi, Ivy, Lucci, Sunfai,
Ken, Mak G ~~~~~
GIGI & Heidi sing many nice song.
Ken’s singing also nice .
Lucci & Sunfai were singing so cute~~~~~~
After our great karaoke , Pinky , Ken & I went to play
drumbeat game . Ken is being crazy when playing game.
Failed of seven level……matter of course ~~
Then we’re going to join the others in the shatin garden.
And We were playing low b games ….haha…
Kathy ,Pinky ,Ivy & Ken are so smart~~
As we haven’t walked on the stone road.
The last loser was sunfai who needed to hug lucci
cross the stone road.
Wow~~ so crazy~~~

What’s a crazy day………………….

台長: kathy
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