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2006-02-13 01:09:07| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Today go to "have a lucky walk",
hope I’ll be FINE after today.
And hope that "tsim" is accurate too.
I dun mind to work harsh,
I just want a job,
I job that i’m interested in.

Tonite watch the TV program shoot at YW,
miss the good times there,
our hall, our classroom, our classic table,
and never expect that girl will become the Wrtier today.
SO cool!

And then watch the trailer,
o, tht’s my little n,
omg, maybe i worry too much.
i hope even i was there,
just show me 1 or 2 sec is really enough,
ofcoz didnt show up at all will be the best la!


台長: 陳魚魚
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