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2005-11-25 23:41:48| 人氣106| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Are You Satisfied huh?

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I really don’t like a question :

did you miss morris ?

Why you ask such silly question?

What you want to know ? what answer do you suppose me to give?

Stimulating my suffering just aims at satisfing your curiosity ?

I hate the person who try to stimulate one’s traggic memory, but he/she never consider whether he/she has ability to restore the emotion of victim.

Just like a bitch, wanna know any news even the victim never consider her as one of proper listeners.

If i say" yes, i miss him !!"

Then ?

what can you do huh ?

If i say No!

Then ?

You will know that i am as apathetic as you.

maybe you all guys want to know the answer, ok~ fine .

i tell you the truth:

Never i forget the night of 17/11/05 when the symptoms of CPV appeared.

Morris got sick and i put him near my bedside. He vomitted overnight painfully.I tried to feed him some drug and food, but he refused to take it.

just like want to suicide.

The only thing that i could do is to clean his mouth and look at him helplessly.

After this night, he became weaker.

He had yet taken in any food for several hours, but dehydrated continuously.

Finally,I tried to inject the puree into his mouth. He was willing to swallow it.

However, when he walked for few steps, he vomitted all the puree out.

I took him to consult a vet without consideration.

when the vet knew his diagnosis, he announced a verdict:

Morris has 90% mortality rate even admitted and spent much money on treatment.

Morris still walked around and did not know what was happening.

Maybe he knew. Just i pretended to be optimistic.

The vet suggested me to approach the petshop and exchange a new dog, but i could choose to treat Morris also if i want.

life or death

judged by me ?

Not by me actually i know .

It was sorrowful and terrible for me to accept this "truth" so directly and make such decision ALONE!!!!

I put morris into the bag and left the treatment room.

After that, i could not sleep well because the night that i took care sick morris helplessly flashed through my mind whenever i "slept " on my bed.

Are you satisfied now?


Don’t CHALLENGE my tolerance again!!!

I am now working with another victim to complain the fucking petshop for revenge and avoiding the disaster from recurring.

Hope that we can succeed in this time.

台長: R仔
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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