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第二部已經太滿,想要更新也很難, 又感覺taeny進入新階段,所以再開一篇討論。讓我驚訝的是music core的作家怎麼寫這個對白? taeny成對的炒作會不會太明顯了? 還是說兩個人的感情太好大家開始......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-01-06 08:37 | 人氣:176075 | 回應:944
Hi folks, another episode of our beloved Cashmere Mafia!! As mentioned before, Cashmere Mafia only shot 7 episodes before the writer’s strike broke out, so this is the second last......(詳全文)
發表時間:2008-02-20 10:00 | 人氣:2953 | 回應:0

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