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2014-10-14 10:35:39| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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last night with a hungry baby

My inner foodie says recipes like this roll recipe are an embarrassment. My inner busy mom [holy crap, I'm a mom?!] says there’s nothing wrong with a super-quick and easy recipe now and then, even if it’s made with processed food (like, eek, Velveeta) or, in this case, refrigerator crescent rolls.

It’s all about finding time – or reserving that time for other things – and sometimes you only have a five-minute pocket to satisfy your desire to whip up something in the kitchen for your hungry family Spotlight.

You start with a tube of crescent rolls, slicing the dough like cinnamon rolls and laying them in a pie dish. Then you pour a mixture of brown sugar, butter, Meyer lemon zest and juice over the top. Bake for about 13 minutes or so. And then enjoy immediately, preferably with a nice, strong mug of coffee, especially if you were up several times last night with a hungry baby diamond coral.

So they’re a bit of a cheat. They’re also really, really delicious. The sauce creates a tart, lemony-orange caramel on the bottom of the rolls, and the zest settles into the cracks along the top.

Try it with an orange or a lemon instead of the Meyer lemon – equally good. I just happen to have a plethora of Meyer lemons at the moment, thanks to the trip to Costco that I talked about here. (I’m thinking Meyer Lemonade or even Meyer Lemon Drops later on today with the remainder. Yum.)

台長: 林梦
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