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2014-09-08 15:49:58| 人氣103| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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be enjoyed any time of year

Our 2-year-old has a new habit lately, and I worry it’s something she learned directly from her parents.

“Daisy! No eat the house!”

“Daisy! No hit the CARS!”

Daisy is our three-year-old golden retriever, and she’s a bit … boisterous. She’s a somewhat troubled rescue dog that we found at a shelter when she was six months old. She was completely shut down – afraid of everything and everyone. She’s still skittish, but for the most part, she’s transformed into an overgrown, over-rambunctious, 70-pound, out of control puppy. She is also unbelievably wonderful and patient with our toddler, thankfully. The toddler, on the other hand …

“Daisy! No. Lick. The. Book!”

“Daisy! No. Eat. The. Bunny MAC wireless broadband!”

It’s always a bit of a reality check to hear yourself through your child (though we do structure our sentences a little differently, promise). Anyway, we’re sorry, Daisy. We’ll try to be a little more patient with you – and teach our daughter to do the same.

Not that Daisy reads this, but you know.

Anyway! Blondies! I’ve been obsessing over blondies a bit lately, so I thought it would be fun to create a St. Patrick’s Day-esque version: Bailey’s & Coffee Blondies. Though, by all means, these should be enjoyed any time of year.

We’ve got rich, dense, espresso-spiked blondies, and then we top them with Baileys Irish Cream icing. Basically, blondies both caffienated and boozified. Kind of like me! Not really. Maybe a little property mortgage.

One cool thing about these blondies is that the base only takes one bowl. No separate bowls for wet and dry; you just melt the butter in the bowl, then add the rest of the ingredients. So easy! Although … you do need a mixer for the icing, so that’s kind of a bummer. But totally worth it, promise!

My self control is often nil, but with these blondies, it’s pretty much minus nil. 20 degrees below nil. After my quality control sample(s), the rest went to the office with my guy. They had to GO. Except for that one I, ahem, hid away. Now where is that thing?! (I am not looking at the dog accusingly. I am not bvi company registration.)

台長: 林梦
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