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...其實都是退稿的作品再加上英文翻譯算是自我激勵了 ● 之一 真愛兩顆遇上了彼此飛也似的回去告訴主人男女主人兩位千山萬水終於相遇開始比較彼此誠懇的程度臉孔身材與身高   ● 之二 乖......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-10-09 13:18 | 人氣:13 | 回應:1
...預計元月24日在北市士林區天母沃田辦桌餐廳舉辦的與鄰市集, 由在地的農會與沃田旅館合作, 每個月安排一個星期日讓鄉親攜家帶眷前往品嘗或購買, 而農會北起基隆漁會南至美濃農會, 包含漁獲與各類......(詳全文)
發表時間:2016-01-17 03:48 | 人氣:1673 | 回應:1
...For the people who died here, for the stories that happened here, let the pictures and videos tell…….↑↓P1020947 a.jpg &  P1020948 a.jpg從竹東出發→經過芎林→到達新......(詳全文)
發表時間:2010-09-27 14:14 | 人氣:3233 | 回應:8
True Love ForeverI have always thought that I knew more than a little about love. I guess we all think so at some point of time. But then we come across someone who flounders every......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-09-04 14:16 | 人氣:1235 | 回應:0

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