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...Wait tonight for a film that show you the wet land in Taiwan on PTS. So moving to watch ox carry his old man and walking on the beach to make their basic living, also you could fin......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-04-08 10:51 | 人氣:2866 | 回應:1
對於內政主政與環節相扣著官官相護不願意聽才是真相!   珍愛桃園藻礁 的直播影片。 3 小時  ·  #直播 藻礁【類聽......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-10-15 13:02 | 人氣:400 | 回應:4
... What we, people lives in Taoyuan, had experienced for our basic living environment before. What we fight with and deal with for our sea creatures. What they said as underneath,法......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-10-23 20:22 | 人氣:137 | 回應:1
全文分享自潘忠政老師 +陳律政衡 然而10月8日當天的活動現場影片連結有詳實的活動紀錄: https://www.facebook.com/Taoyuanalgalreefs/videos/558346894934102/Share: 政衡法律事務所-環境......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-10-11 10:56 | 人氣:146 | 回應:2
明天午後 明天午後 就是明天午後在桃園市觀音區大潭濱海見!!! Share: 珍愛桃園藻礁3小時 ·#行前通知#當地網路通訊差 #請先下載交通及停車路線 昨天已發行前通知,但是不少被......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-08-30 16:26 | 人氣:97 | 回應:0
Appreciated people there to keep speak-up and for #TATAN #algareefs on our coastline in Taoyuan, Taiwan and they make the photos attractive yesterday. #MissionB......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-05-21 14:05 | 人氣:414 | 回應:0
...桃園光影電影館 Taoyuan Arts Cinema4月27日下午8:18 · 明日放映 / 自由入場 / 🌏環境專題:礁傲世界做為桃園的子民,我們無可逃避,也必須正面迎對。趁她還來得及搶救,把這「......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-05-07 13:20 | 人氣:168 | 回應:1
↑ 藻礁 01.jpg 藻礁健行趣 【2015珍愛桃園藻礁知性健行活動】知性APP 歡迎下載:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.clhstyc425 感謝! 中大壢中同學在 @余致賢 老......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-04-14 18:42 | 人氣:900 | 回應:8
Reef-building found in the west coast of Taiwan which is showed the way that alga reef lives on the rock. It increased 0.7cm in every 10-year and already continuing to live in this......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-01-24 15:53 | 人氣:1699 | 回應:9
【MIT】珍愛藻礁˙觀新愛璽 ↑ 931317.jpgThose sand-ball were actually made by Scopimera, which is located in Yungan, Taoyuan county, Taiwan. It’s pretty much worth to take a shot o......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-06-14 15:11 | 人氣:14594 | 回應:7
 ↑ 559483.jpg 觀新藻礁常見的蜑螺! 相片取自 柯品薰 facebookThe liquid waste polluted the river, the air, and soil in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Actually, there’s no further process or ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-10-13 13:23 | 人氣:579 | 回應:4
True Love ForeverI have always thought that I knew more than a little about love. I guess we all think so at some point of time. But then we come across someone who flounders every......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-09-04 14:16 | 人氣:1235 | 回應:0

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