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P). [釣魚台主權 vs. Chihwei 嶼 之展望]:

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釣魚台 海溝02.jpg

[釣魚台主權 vs. Chihwei嶼 之展望]:

  1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件
  2). "釣魚台島嶼" 不附于"琉球"
  3). 日本接收”代管的管理權”; 並不能私自轉變成”主權”!

1373年 即由中國人楊載所發現釣魚台列島。1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件

1403年 永樂年間(公元1403-1424年)出版的[順風相送]
 一書中就有關于釣魚台列島的記載. 1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件


1532 年當中國明朝的皇帝贈送了標題”中山琉球國王”給 Shang
Ching, Ryukyu 統治者; 那時, 中國明朝的皇帝的使節陳侃旅行
於 Foochow 和 那霸之間。

1650年 琉球王國自最早的史書《中山正鑑》以來,有關
 版圖記載即不曾及於釣魚台2). "釣魚台島嶼" 不附于"琉球"

[1785年] 因日本人林子平在(日本天明五年)刊行的

* ["圖色"與"文述"皆符]:  1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件

As per Pr.Kiyoshi Inoue, History department, Kyoto University :
  Ryukyu territroy began from the Kume Island and the area east
of it, whereas Chihwei Yu and the Huangwei Yu and Tiaoyu Yu
(Diaoyutai) to the west were Chinese territory.
Obviously, this was defined in clear terms after the middle of
16th century at the latest. There are no records or documents
whatsoever by the Ryukyu side or the Japanese expressing
disagreement or doubt. Moreover, there are not even legends,
not to say documents about contacts of the Ryukyu people 
with the Tiaoyu Island (Diaoyutai) and Huangwei Yu.
In ancient times. Sailing from Ryukyu to the Tiaoyu Island
(Diaoyutai) was particularly difficult because it was against
the wind and the tide.      2). "釣魚台島嶼" 不附于"琉球"

1879年 日本佔領琉球群島,但釣魚台仍在中國台灣境內.

   1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件

[1884]年 日本聲稱,琉球人古賀辰四郎發現釣魚台列島。

"there are not even legends, not to say documents about contacts
of the Ryukyu people 
with the Tiaoyu Island (Diaoyutai);
(地圖,史料上早有記載); 同時也是附近漁民世代之漁場,休息地,避風處..etc.
你要是講給"海盜","飛行荷蘭人"聽, 也不會相信! 鬼扯!!

{一}. 據 ”1895年 「馬關不平等條約」” :

  1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件
  2). 釣魚台島嶼 不附于琉球

Article 2
(b) The island of Formosa, together with all islands
appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa.

{二}. 據”1943 1st.Cairo Declaration,開羅宣言” :

  1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件  2). "釣魚台島嶼" 不附于"琉球"

*(釣魚台,是從1895年馬關不平等條約的失去; 非日本原有土地)。

c.f. : 1972年 

1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件  2). "釣魚台島嶼" 不附于"琉球"

[琉球地區和中國領土之間的邊界]:Chihwei 嶼
據 1972年“釣魚台群島, Chihwei嶼(赤尾嶼) 是中國的領土”
by Kiyoshi Inoue 由井上清--日本歷史學家
Professor of History department 歷史學教授署
Kyoto University, Japan 日本京都大學,日本

In 1532 when the emperor of the Ming Dynasty of China
bestowed the title King Chungshan of Ryukyu on Shang
Ching, the ruler of Ryukyu at that time, his envoy
Chen Kan travelled between Foochow and Naha.
(1532 年當中國明朝的皇帝贈送了標題”中山琉球國王”給 Shang
Ching, Ryukyu 統治者; 那時, 中國明朝的皇帝的使節陳侃旅行
於 Foochow 和 那霸之間)。

In other words, what Chen Kan had written -
the area beyond ”Kume Island” was Ryukyu territory -
is also found in Kuo Ju-lin’s observation that
Chihwei Yu was the boundary between the Ryukyu region
and China’s territory.... Chihwei Yu and the area WEST
of that were not included in Ryukyu territor...
* {...,陳侃曾致函-在久米島以東的地區是琉球領土-
又由郭如林,在提出 descrition 認為 ”Chihwei 嶼” *
(Chih yu,智嶼)是 [琉球地區和中國領土之間的邊界]!

.as recorded in the afore-said Okinawa Mainichi Shimbun,
the Tiaoyu (Diaoyutai) and other islands were regarded
as Japanese territory only after Japan had seized
Taiwan and other places from Ching through the
Japan-Ching war...

according to modern international law. It is sheer
sophistry. True, the Imperial Envoys Chen Kan and
Kuo Ju-lin had not written explicitly that everything
as far as Chih Yu was Chinese territory.
But they set sail from China’s Foochow, passed through
waters off Taiwan’s Keelung which is self-evidently
Chinese territory, and then passed by Pengchia Yu
which again is self-evidently Chinese territory.
Upon finally arriving at Chihwei Yu after passing by
Tiaoyu (Diaoyu) and Huangwei, they wrote that it was
the boundary with Ryukyu. Moreover,
when they came in sight of Kume Island they added that
it belonged to Ryukyu. From the structural coherence of
such Chinese writing, is it not abundantly clear that
to them, everything from Taiwan and Pengchia to the
Tiaoyu (Diaoyu), Huangwei, Chihwei islands to the east
all were not Chinese territory?
(但他們設置了風帆從中國的Foochow, 通過了水不言而喻是中國
疆土的臺灣的Keelung, 並且然後通過了不言而喻再是還中國疆土
的Pengchia 于; 並且最後在到達在Chihwei 于在通過Tiaoyu
(釣魚) 並且Huangwei 以後, 他們寫道, 這是界限與Ryukyu 。
而且, 當他們進來Kume 海島的視域他們補充說,它屬於Ryukyu。
從這樣的中國文字結構凝聚, 它明確地不是確切, 對他們,
從臺灣和Pengchia 對Taioyu (釣魚), Huangwei 、Chihwei
和其它海島, 對Foochow以東,全部都不是中國疆土)?

This clearly shows that the islands he passed by before
reaching the Kume Island(龜尾山) were not Ryukyu territory.

The ”Chungshan Mission Records” also dealt in detail
with the territory of Ryukyu, which comprised the
36 islands of Ryukyu including the island of Okinawa.
Chihwei Yu and the area west of the it were not included.
(Chungshan 使命記錄 詳細並且處理Ryukyu 疆土, 包括36 海島,
Ryukyu 包括沖繩島海島。不包括 Chihwei 嶼和在它西邊區域)。

There are no records or documents whatsoever by the
Ryukyu side or the Japanese expressing disagreement or
doubt. Moreover, there are not even legends, not to say
documents about contacts of the Ryukyu people with the
Tiaoyu Island (Diaoyutai) and Huangwei Yu in ancient times.

Concluding from the above-mentioned, Ryukyu territory
began with Kume Island - 久米島(龜尾山) and
the area east of it, whereas Chihwei Yu(赤尾嶼) and
the Huangwei Yu and Tiaoyu Yu (Diaoyutai) to the west
were Chinese territory. Obviously, this was defined
in clear terms after the middle of the 16th century
at the latest. There are no records or documents
whatsoever by the Ryukyu side or the Japanese
expressing disagreement or doubt.

*..geographically, the Chihwei Yu is one of the islands
such as the Tiaoyu Island and the Huangwei Yu on the
verge of the Chinese continental shelf. As mentioned in
detail above, it was recognized as Chinese territory
simultaneously with the Tiaoyu (Diaoyu) and other
islands in history and this was recorded in documents.
Therefore, one should NOT be concerned only about what
Japan calls the ”Senkaku Islands” but forget the
Chihwei Yu.
*(..地理上, Chihwei 嶼是海島的當中一個,譬如 Tiaoyu 海島
並與 Huangwei群島是在中國大陸架的邊緣。依照被提及詳細
如上, 它同時被認可作為中國疆土與並且其它海島在歷史和
這被記錄在文件。 所以, [你不應該只關注]: 什麼日本軍國
稱之”尖閣列島” 但,忘記了 ”Chihwei 嶼”(赤尾嶼)!

{三}.據 1943年,美軍只是”代管”(暫管)釣魚台島嶼。
* ( [1971]年,美、日雙方簽訂了〈琉球返還協定〉,
*(但,接收”代管的管理權”; 並不能轉變成”主權”)!

   3). 日本接收”代管的管理權”; 並不能私自轉變成”主權”!

{四}. 美國之國策: * 永不參與”釣魚台主權”的爭議!
Richard Boucher, Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC, March, 2004

The US does Not take a position on the question of the
[Ultimate Sovereignty] of the (Senkaku) Diaoyu Islands.
This has been our longstanding view.
We do NOT take a position on the [Ultimate Sovereignty]
of the islands. That’s been our longstanding view.

{五}.就”釣魚台之主權”(主權未定) 而言:


據 1943年,美軍只是”代管”(暫管)釣魚台島嶼。
亦非是指”釣魚台島嶼之主權”而言。 後來,日本不見台灣,

  1). 日本不符“有效先占”條件
  2). "釣魚台島嶼" 不附于"琉球"
  3). 日本接收"代管的管理權”; 並不能私自轉變成"主權”!

現, 它已自己宣稱有釣魚台島嶼之"主權"。


* 或訴求”恢復1970年以前,美軍”代管”時之”原狀況”!

 1).(1945)年,[日本無條件降書](Unconditional Surrender of Japan);
 2).執行 (1945)年,[波茨坦"宣言"](Potsdam Declaration);
 3).實施 (1943)年,《開羅宣言》(Cairo "Declaration");


1945 Potsdam Declaration C.jpg

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