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2004-09-23 03:24:50| 人氣109| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I am so amazed by the poems or lyrics or whatever written or quoted by the Run Hiking Group. And impressed by the literary dimension of the members which is hidden under their professional outlook. And most valuable of all, is the love and friendship conveyed in this act of poem writing for a friend's birthday, a proposal which I thought was difficult to materialize.

I am so proud to be a member of a group that can think poetically, an ability that I thought was scarce in this factory island call Taiwan.

In the future, we should try to write poems for beautiful sceneries that we encounter in our hiking trips, for I am sure there are poets in this group.As for the center of our focus, Clair Fang, the name and the feminine image of a petite beauty constitute the full quality of a short poem; It is succinct, the image is clear. It is pleasing to your eyes, and ears (remember the nice voice when Clair sings? ) and it is passionate. Fang is the canine tooth of a wolf, so, whenever I see this name Clair Fang I know this is a beautiful lady that you don't want to mess around.

With the fang in mind, I still know many a boy and man cannot resist the attraction of this short poem. I dare them to walk out of the closet and confess to the world how this poem has once disturbed their heart. I can only give the alphabet 'T' as a clue for the beginning of the not so short a list.

As a minister, I must be low profile to anything that has no
official relevance. I can only say this poem floated into my dream like a piece of cloud, eh... several times.

Happy thirty something birthday, dear Clair with fangs!
S.F. Lin, the one with a cloudy mind, therefore cannot write a
poem for you.

August 11, 2004
By Dr. LIN Sheng-fong
(Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan)

台長: 維姬處理中心
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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