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Shall a mother night out for fun?

Shall a mother night out for fun? Shall a mother stay away from her children?

文章日期:2009-04-19 05:45


It has been ten years that I never once went to night club for dancing or drinking, not even ktv most of all not even one time going to the movie theater.  Comparing my past singles life almost danced the night away is unbelievable!


Shall a mother night out for fun?  For some other mothers that they might encounter more night out fun, gathering with net pals for some wild night.  Some of them even brought their children to go with.  Taiwan is such strange place that KTV allowing people to bring young children to be with smoking, drinking adult context social environment.  Would that be allowed?  How often should it be allowed? 


Recently a neighbor asked me to join her church at night and I rejected her that I do not go out at night.  She was surprised.  I have heard that this neighbor even her own children did not want to come to visit her.  She has prayed for God and God is all she needs she said.  God would not push her family away from her, but she will do that!  Any God will be kind to anyone, why does God want her to be away from her children since she has a cancer?


Here we have some Taiwanese mothers enjoy night out, and we have some American mothers believe only God loves her! 


I don’t really against their choice; just I won’t do that to my own child.  Night out for fun once a while with friends is for social and enjoy some adult time, but three times a week would be too much.  A mother should know how to balance her own family and social life.  Children should be number one and families should be number one!  As for me during school time we always go to bed by 7pm, we live very simple way of life here.  We do entertain with our friends once a while or go to business lunch or dinner.  Never was I night out for fun by myself once and I do respect and enjoy the life here with just my family!  We all have to make our choice and sacrifice.  I would not regret that!

台長: 夏寒
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