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To my girlfriend

文章日期:2009-04-21 21:37


 dated June 11th, 2007





Be good to yourself!  Sometimes you need to pamper yourself and find something to make you feel good about yourself and go for it!


Be true to yourself!  It is okay to face your own weakness, therefore, we know how to avoid mistake.  Truth will always set you free!


Be strong to yourself!  When your wall crushes down, you can handle it no matter how hard it will be.  You will be all right!


To believe, no matter which God you pray for, believe that will bring you power.  When people who love you are so far away from you believed will make you through!


To keep in touch, friendship takes time to build and nurture and your true friends will always care for you and keep in touch with them and someday you will be with them again!


To love, the most wonderful thing in the whole world if you know how to love and be loved!  Love does take time and you will know what true love is when your heart beating again!


Take care and I will always here for you!

台長: 夏寒
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