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2006-07-04 07:58:18| 人氣109| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Can we... ??? "One-act play" Part 1

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Stage: The scene is a Spinal Cord hospital. There are some hospital beds in there, a television, a radio. Everything is grey color.

There is all silent in the hospital. Some patients are sitting in the wheelchair and talking with whispers, or smiling lightly, and some are just silent without talking.
Patient A (A)is a young guy whom are reading about travel guide book.
Patient B(B) is flapping the football
The girl is holding a ballet dance shoes with thinking.
The nurses are sitting on the chair and knit a sweater. One old woman delivers the food and makes all meal as equal. No one try to turn on the TV and watch. The radio is playing Johannes Brahms “Klavierkonzert Nr.2”. There is telephone answer machine sound from backstage.

(Answering machine: Jim is not at home right now, please leave your message after tune. “Bi”.
Jim, where are you right now? It is already 12 o’clock and you should get out of your bed. Don’t forget you need to come this afternoon, bye!
Answering machine: Jim is not at home right now, please leave your message after tune. “Bi”.
Where are you, Jim? We didn’t see you in the AIDS conference and you promised that you would come. So we was waiting for you for a long time and you still didn’t show off in the end.)

(The ambulance sound spreads. )

The nurse stands up and out to the stage.
Jim sits down in the wheelchair and come into the stage by the nurse. All of people are on the stage whom gazing at him,
But just only two or three seconds then they turn back to what they doing before. Seems they are intend to him to ignore. The nurse returns to the seat to continue to knit a sweater. Jim shows a little bit constraint and dither a seconds then push his wheelchair to nearby A. He tries to use his slight sound and make a conversation with A .

(A nod his head with clammily.)
Jim: My name is Jim, how do you do?
(A doesn’t answer and still continues reading his book. )
Jim: I am a student. What are you doing?
A: Have you seen that I am reading?
Jim: But what do you do before into the hospital?
A: I am in the hospital all the time.
Jim:(Pause.) I had a traffic accident injured, and the doctor said that I need to check again what happen after three weeks while I take out the plaster cast. What happened to you?
A: What?
Jim: I mean your foot, why..?
A: I cant remember what kind of sick that I had now, but, although I did not remember, I still could felt that I am being ill for all of my lifetime.
Jim: Do not said what such depressed speech like this, must have the patience!
A: Even I do not have the patience, I thought my leg also can have patiently.
Jim: (With chokes up in throat sound said) Do you feel unhappy to talk with me, is it?
A: (Astonished) What?
(B puts football on his leg and pushes the wheelchair with hand to Jim)
B: (To Jim) Have you looked at my blood check table?
Jim: (Puzzled) Does not have.
B: It posts in the entrance gate, how can you miss to seen that?
Jim: I am new one so that why I has not noted, sorry.
B: It’s ok. I took six kinds of checking and to completely am negative.
Jim: What is meaning?
B: Then me finish my explain. The doctor was very depressed and said that, how can you got venereal diseases if only thing what you can do is sitting on the wheelchair in the hospital!
(Jim didn’t say anything, but other patients are all secretly smiling. Only the nurses laugh loudly. B pushes his wheelchair to return to the people and keep flapping the football with his hand. )
B:(Loud) He is really is strange. He don’t know how to laugh!
(It feel a little awkwardness for everyone. B throws his football to the girl and she lost her dance shoes with panic. Jim pushes the wheelchair to girl and pick up the football then talk to B)
Jim: What are you doing? How can you treat girl like this and it is not gentleman behavior.
( B without talking and still playing football. Jim helps to pick dance shoes and return those to girl. She look at Jim shyly and took with her shoes without thanks then hurriedly pushes the wheelchair and leaves. )

The stage is dark.

台長: Pear
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