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2008-04-06 09:09:59| 人氣269| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

cancer, something is unpredictable in lives

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The most difficult treated disease--cancer, is the nightmare for many struggling patients. It’s also called "silent killer," which threatens people’s life without a obvious sigh. So far, there isn’t a super-medication can kill cancer cells totally. I’ve heard a famous doctor describing cancer cells as criminals in a society. "You have no ability to kill all criminals but strengthening the other good cells that can fight criminal cells for you.

Since there are many things unpredictable we cannot control within our lives, I do like to live my lives in a relaxing way. Don’t take things too hard, and too seriously. Keeping your spirit vivid and do things without kill your soul.

Your Health
Ovarian Cancer: Early Diagnosis Poses Challenges


台長: musiccat
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