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where is a fun place to go for


Bike Through Lanna Countryside

The experience:
Just a short hop east of Chiang Mai we head away from the tourist trail and into fertile valleys that offer inspiring views and mountainous horizons not seen from the city. After a short drive from the city we start our bicycle exploration of Sankampaeng and the beautiful, peaceful Lanna countryside.
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< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756806919-1', kkdayStyleId: 1 });

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- Starting Time:8:00am
- Departure Point:Pick up at your hotel in Chiang Mai
- Time Duration:9 hr
- Return Details:Return to Chiang Mai
- Voucher Type:Printed Electronic Voucher

- Highlights -

# This trip is suitable for all levels of riders and is an excellent trip for families.
# See the beautiful countryside, rice fields and water buffalo.
# Visit the local markets in Sankampaeng, and get immersed in the local culture
# Enjoy comfortable Sankampaeng Hot Springs

- What You Can Expect -

This one day 30 km ride takes us out to tranquil places where the water buffalo and ox are the tools of choice to plow the rice fields and transport the harvest. We see that family,friends and the Buddhist faith are what is important to Thai people and that a good crop and healthy lifestyle are what puts a broad smile on people』s faces.

We visit the Sankampaeng markets where the fresh produce is artfully displayed.Sampling the fruits in season will make sure you will not run out of energy throughout our picturesque day. We』ll pass by temples where we can stop and make an offering. Our ride will take us through open plains and for some variety we』ll take short cuts through lush green rice paddies as we head towards the forests and mountains that surround this area.

Quiet country roads at the base of a mountain range will bring us to the Sankampaeng Hot Springs where, if you can stand the heat, we can have a dip in the natural mineral springs that are said to be curative and rejuvenating.

We』ll stop for lunch at hot spring, where you can sample various northern Thai dishes. This is a real original Thai experience that you won』t find on other itineraries. An enjoyable ride that finishes with somewhere to soothe those muscles and leave you in no doubt that you certainly are on holidays!

< type='text/javascript'> var kkdayCid = 3366; var kkdayLang = 'zh-tw'; var kkdayad = kkdayad || {}; kkdayad.coll = kkdayad.coll || []; (function() { var kkdayjs = document.createElement('script'); kkdayjs.type = 'text/javascript'; kkdayjs.async = true; kkdayjs.src = 'https://www.kkday.com/assets/js/kkday-affi.js'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(kkdayjs); })();
< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756896334-4', kkdayStyleId: 4 });


- Starting Time:8:00am
- Departure Point:Pick up at your hotel in Chiang Mai
- Time Duration:9 hr
- Return Details:Return to Chiang Mai
- Voucher Type:Printed Electronic Voucher

- Highlights -

# This trip is suitable for all levels of riders and is an excellent trip for families.
# See the beautiful countryside, rice fields and water buffalo.
# Visit the local markets in Sankampaeng, and get immersed in the local culture
# Enjoy comfortable Sankampaeng Hot Springs

- What You Can Expect -

This one day 30 km ride takes us out to tranquil places where the water buffalo and ox are the tools of choice to plow the rice fields and transport the harvest. We see that family,friends and the Buddhist faith are what is important to Thai people and that a good crop and healthy lifestyle are what puts a broad smile on people』s faces.

We visit the Sankampaeng markets where the fresh produce is artfully displayed.Sampling the fruits in season will make sure you will not run out of energy throughout our picturesque day. We』ll pass by temples where we can stop and make an offering. Our ride will take us through open plains and for some variety we』ll take short cuts through lush green rice paddies as we head towards the forests and mountains that surround this area.

Quiet country roads at the base of a mountain range will bring us to the Sankampaeng Hot Springs where, if you can stand the heat, we can have a dip in the natural mineral springs that are said to be curative and rejuvenating.

We』ll stop for lunch at hot spring, where you can sample various northern Thai dishes. This is a real original Thai experience that you won』t find on other itineraries. An enjoyable ride that finishes with somewhere to soothe those muscles and leave you in no doubt that you certainly are on holidays!

台長: montgox1647d0
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