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Family Spring Break Vacations-


Journey of countryside Yufuin in rickshaw

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【Journey of Yufuin countryside】30 mins
This course isn't started from the central area of Yufuin, instead, it begins from the most important countryside. Start from Yufu Hill, a masterpiece, then end by Gold scales lake, a popular scenic spot as well.

Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)
Path of Stone Wall
Busan Temple
Kinrin Lake

【Journey of Yufuin private spots】60 mins
Here in Yufuin, the old streets are not at all touristy. From the secret spot, you can admire the whole Yufuin, Buddha Temple, and also the oldest wooden building of the town.

Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)
Busan Temple
Kinrin Lake
Yunohira Old Street
Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)

【Journey of Yufuin soul-healing】120 mins
In addition to enjoy the beautiful rural scenery Yufuin, visit popular attractions Kinrin Lake, homage temples and shrines. In the two-hour trip in the rickshaw, the experience from a variety of angles of appreciation Yufuin, your body and soul seem to have been washed mentally. So I believe you will fall in love with this beautiful town!

Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)
Unakihime Shrine
Busan Temple(worship)
Kinrin Lake
Yunohira Old Street
Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)

When booking,plase be sure to tell us in the remarks column that the time you hope to experience , we will contact you after confirmation.

Experience Time:
10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

< type='text/javascript'> var kkdayCid = 3366; var kkdayLang = 'zh-tw'; var kkdayad = kkdayad || {}; kkdayad.coll = kkdayad.coll || []; (function() { var kkdayjs = document.createElement('script'); kkdayjs.type = 'text/javascript'; kkdayjs.async = true; kkdayjs.src = 'https://www.kkday.com/assets/js/kkday-affi.js'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(kkdayjs); })();
< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756896334-4', kkdayStyleId: 4 });


【Journey of Yufuin countryside】30 mins
This course isn't started from the central area of Yufuin, instead, it begins from the most important countryside. Start from Yufu Hill, a masterpiece, then end by Gold scales lake, a popular scenic spot as well.

Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)
Path of Stone Wall
Busan Temple
Kinrin Lake

【Journey of Yufuin private spots】60 mins
Here in Yufuin, the old streets are not at all touristy. From the secret spot, you can admire the whole Yufuin, Buddha Temple, and also the oldest wooden building of the town.

Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)
Busan Temple
Kinrin Lake
Yunohira Old Street
Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)

【Journey of Yufuin soul-healing】120 mins
In addition to enjoy the beautiful rural scenery Yufuin, visit popular attractions Kinrin Lake, homage temples and shrines. In the two-hour trip in the rickshaw, the experience from a variety of angles of appreciation Yufuin, your body and soul seem to have been washed mentally. So I believe you will fall in love with this beautiful town!

Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)
Unakihime Shrine
Busan Temple(worship)
Kinrin Lake
Yunohira Old Street
Front of Torii (at 5 streets intersection close to the station)

When booking,plase be sure to tell us in the remarks column that the time you hope to experience , we will contact you after confirmation.

Experience Time:
10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

台長: montgox1647d0
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