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2006-10-04 16:01:33

Feel depress

I feel lonely... Very lonely... Even there are a lot of people around me every day, I feel lonely...

2006-10-04 15:58:22

Being misunderstood

I am being misunderstood. I did nothing wrong , i just want to help an old helpless lady. Though she is wrong, we should learn to forgive. Why they blame me? What’s wrong with me? It is not m...

2006-10-02 12:37:25

Can u hear me?

I just wonder who can hear me in this world. I feel that no one really wants to be my real friend. Is that life? I hate it! I like the friends I made in school. I don’t get used to it. Is that all t...

2006-10-02 12:31:21

office feels like a prison

I don’t like working there, I am not saying I don’t like my job. The tough work makes me hard to take a breath. It makes me sick. I work from early moring to late night, every day without stoppin...

2006-10-02 12:24:41

thanks God

Thanks god to give me peace! No envy! No compain! Try to enjoy the life ! Try to appricate what i have ! For me, not eough is enough!

2006-09-16 21:25:28

Living a busy life!

I haven’t come here for a long time, life is busy! I learn to be patient, be kind, be good , be honest, be faintful.

2006-02-18 21:07:59

happy new year 2006

a new year again! hope everyday happy and... never think what i have not, just think what i have

2005-09-25 20:09:31

what guilty like

hate the feeling of being guilty i perfer to be hurt , than to hurt others

2005-03-24 21:40:03


從不懷疑過他們不愛我, 但是我想說的是我真的感覺不到愛。 有人說是我期待太多了,生活就是如此。 難道生活就是教給我學會怎樣接受與忍受? 我沒有期待過什麽, 我只是希望有一個和睦的家庭, 得到多一點點的...

2005-02-16 12:56:46

keep on hope

Life is not easy these days. I make myself mad! It is hard to get through these days. Suddenly, I felt so depressed; I always try to choose one from two! All the things seem to be ending! On one ...

2005-02-16 12:39:36

make a brand new start

I haven’t written diary for a long time! Because of no readers! Haha! It lets me think that my essays not worth reading. But now I know that some people will read them sometimes, I am happy to...

2004-10-31 19:51:34

why i still here?

Sitting at home, I feel no warm at all. I don’t want to say anything, Because no one wants to talk with me, No one cares what I am doing, They just know I work everyday, And then I can bring th...

2004-09-26 12:12:37

Should i love?

Please don’t tell me you do everything just for me… Do you know what is “love”? Please give me the right to love… Don’t tell me that the boy is ok though I told thousands of times he isn’t…...

2004-08-26 12:29:34


一顆破碎的心 我還可以做什麽呢? 我很氣憤,爲什麽我沒有權利去追求我喜歡的東西? 爲什麽我要迫使放低自己的尊嚴,去追求那一個“出國夢”。 我可以說“不”嗎? 我沒有勇氣說一個“不”字, 雖然沒有說出口...

2004-08-10 19:54:35

who hurts me?

Sick girl … I am a sick girl… I hate myself… It seems that no one loves me, sometimes. Why I care so much! I told myself even tough all the people give me up. I must support myself, becaus...

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