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2008-01-31 17:53:01| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Precious mermories...

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If not mistaken that i did mention before that i have meet a fren which lost contact for 10yrs...

10yrs... can cause a lot of things change... but I’m very happy that she still remember who am i... really precious... we didn’t conversation before when in the school...

Let’s talk a little bit about this fren...

she is head prefect of the school.. she looks fierce, serious, hard to get along due that don have a chance to get know about her....last time we use to admire people in the school.. she is the girl that i admire too..i admire her capability, responsibility (she is the kind of person which muz complete & vy determine on what she doing).. this is my impression to her...every time i try to catch her up from my vision.. 10yrs pass... the things i can remember on her during school time is the rehearsal for the performance-retirement of the school prefect club which they need to sang a song to teacher; ”YOU ARE NOT ALONE”.. this song really impress me much...that time i really sad, not because of the song lyric... is she going to left the school... i can’t catch her again every morning... i didn’t tell her on this after i meet her up..

actually i do ask around her news after leaving the school... but no one knew about it... she is been liked disappear in air..

after meet her n have chance to know about her... she really nice, kind girl... anyway... happy & nice to meet her again after 10yrs... after 10yrs... she change a lot... actually i vy happy when saw her again during secondary school reunion.. really happy from bottom of my heart... i nvr think of that we will get to meet again..

台長: 孤独的白羊


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