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2003-06-16 13:50:13| 人氣181| 回應0 | 上一篇


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The collection includes articles by the leading specialists and teachers of the higher educational establishments as well as postgraduate students of Kazakhstan and Taiwan in the field of international relations. Those articles are devoted to the issues of interaction between tow great cultures of East and West in policy, economics and science. Their main attention authors focused on the globalization process, which is so characteristic phenomenon currently, which also is regarded as the trend of XXI century; the influence exercised currently by the European countries on the domestic and foreign policy of Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries was described in details.

The articles in the collection are published on there languages: English Russian and Kazakh and subdivided into three parts.

The part one is devoted to issues of modern international relations such as human rights, globalization process, interrelation between Western and Eastern civilizations, and foreign educational programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other. The Professor of the Center of European and Asian Studies of the Taiwan Technology Instituted Chin-Yun Mr. Shu Chin Chang reveals the human rights issue on the example of Taiwan and in perspective of family, society and educational system. The article by the Professor of Kaz National University Mr. Fu Jen Kun is devoted to the studies of economy and policy of five Central Asian countries and those political and social challenges faced by those countries currently. The article also concerns the globalization process, which is defined by the Professor Zh. U. Ibrashev and postgraduate Miss. E. Ensebayeva in their article as complete complying with political, economic, social and civil human rights. The Master of History Assistant Professor Mrs. F.T. Kukeeva regards transatlantic partnership as a model for integration.

The part two is devoted to foreign policies and economics of individual Western and Eastern countries as well as to influence exercised by European countries on Kazakhstan’s policy and economy. So Mrs. K.I. Bayzakova studies and carries out comparative analysis of presidential systems of Kazakhstan and France pointing out certain moments in the French system, which Kazakhstan may and should take into consideration. This part includes articles devoted to relations between Kazakhstan and other countries such as Turkey, Uzbekistan, the U.S.A.,Great the United the United Kingdom.

The part three is devoted to international organizations such as European Union, Eurasian Economy Commonwealth and their influence on the policies and economics of individual countries.

I do believe in such a way those articles make us familiar with most important issues in modern international relations and help analyzing all those new processes underway in the world and on their base to formulate or develop our own opinion on politics, economics and sciences of Eastern and Western countries. Since only peaceful coexistence, flexibility and mutual understanding could lead to peaceful coexistence and positive cooperation of those two great cultures.

Jen-kun Fu
Director & Professor
Euro-Asian Research Center

Ching –Yun University /Taiwan
Kazakh National University/Kazakhstan

台長: JK
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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