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2005-11-08 18:47:16

Getting Tired

I’m tired...... tired of the nothingness of my world which ends me up fooling around in order to get rid of it yet still I could hardly gain anything from that and that makes me seemingly much ti...

2005-07-28 13:34:57

nth really special

soon i'll go back to HK this Saturday evening. I'm a bit confused right now, duno if it's dream or reality. it's totally like dream here in SH, everything is so relaxing yet force u to think. i don...

2005-07-27 11:14:36

Love & Sex

You Fall in Love Whenever You See a Love Movie I’d been eating, lying and watching Sex and the City alone in last Saturday morning. Well, for this kind of TV episodes it’s exceptionally tasty for w...

2005-07-18 16:52:40

German Kiss

滲透著閃亮燈光的黑暗,震耳的音樂,舞動的身體,燒喉的酒精,迷人的香水,眼神和觸摸...... 酒吧裏,有的是盡情的放縱和狂歡,心中渴望的一種滿足。 到酒吧裏的人是不是都在尋找一些什麽? Kisses, ...

2005-06-03 01:35:19

Bring Me To Life

I love this band, love this song, for quite a time: "bring me to life" how can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where i've become so numb without a soul my sp...

2005-06-01 13:27:03

Looking for The Unknown

Always and always I feel there're so many uncertainties But just because which is so uncontrollable Life is inspirating and refreshing I am looking forward To the unknowns coming in the future I...

2005-05-29 19:33:04


不知道為甚麼, 總開不到xanga. 只好在這兒胡亂寫寫, 以求發洩對其不滿. 今天下午"quit宿". 雖然感覺有點失落,不過總的來說過程仍算順利. 想不到自己一個人執拾東西原來速度倒還快. 果然有時一個人還樂得清閑. ...

2005-05-28 14:20:36

My Shanghai Group-mates

After the 3-day-training in Poly U, I feel the trip to Shanghai would be an interesting one. Having seen many different kinds of people is always a good thing. The more I meet people who study busines...

2005-05-23 15:28:28


莫明其妙地... 喜歡上一個日本男仔. 喜歡一個人, 原因可以十分無哩頭. 或者, 我在以另一種方色打發自己的寄托. 不過無所謂, 反正我現在是開心的.

2005-05-12 01:17:31

ideal bf

想了幾天, 清楚了自己的想法. 在五號那一天, 我的確覺得感動. 然後, 很掛念...掛念... 我在想, 如果重新再次認識你又會怎樣... 現在,雖然沒有任何期望, 仍覺得很幸運. 很幸運地,你仍對...

2005-05-11 15:39:03

chiisai na hito

How does one manage his life? I'm puzzled... Somehow ppl are confined to do wt they wanna do. It's the environment that traps us and we try hard to search for variations by possibilities, yet th...

2005-05-05 18:45:59

i love pigs

He's still the best. Maybe that's why I love pigs more and more...

2005-04-11 19:28:13

where's the zeal?

this is a messy piece of stuff, coz my mind isn't that clear to do a little organizations. but who cares! i am to tell, to vent and to grief, about wt i feel. today until now i still thking abt th...

2005-04-07 13:45:20


事情發生了一段時間,現在已沒有感覺了.不再意外,只希望God Bless him. 拍拖,分手,再拍拖,再分手... 好像被hurt和hurt人是每個人都無可避免的事. 而兩情相悅,timing很重要. 原則和感情,怎樣取得平衡? ...

2005-04-07 13:26:13


容許我在此抄了某好友的日記.很有共鳴,不抄不行. ----------------------------------------------------------------- "好喜歡與中學同學在一起!! 雖說這世上甚少人會有著相同的價值觀, 但是想必絕大部份人都會...

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