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2009-05-04 15:26:35| 人氣96| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My 2nd Labor Day

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Recently, the weather has been great for a week. So I decided to ride a bike around She-Zih Island in Taipei City which I have wanted to go for a long time. Actually, this was my first holiday after the Chinese new year break, and it’s a day that I can do whatever I want whole day. Anyway, I spent two hours riding a bike along the riverside from eleven forty a.m. to two forty p.m., so… I got sunburned XD. After that, I rode my motorcycle around the city. In the noon, I was in shih-Lin area; in the afternoon, I rode from song-shen area to chung-cheng area, I even got to the Taipei airport. I came back home from wan-hua area. The route back home was a little different from before. I bought a hamburger at Mos-burger in Banquiao and got home at about four thirty p.m.. Resting for a while, I started to paint the wall in the living room white. I  PAINTED  THE  WALL  WHITE  BY  MYSELF. Such a new try, pretty cool~

On Saturday, I got up at nine thirty to clean up the house, and went to the “pushing class” in the evening until ten. Such a relaxing Sunday, my brother didn't come so that I could stay home and just relaxed. Good~



Still remember my first Labor day last year, went to a cool place near NTU, took lots of pictures, then went to Taipei Recreation Park which is moved to another place now.

Well, all different from before, but same as alone.



p.s. It's been a long long time that I didn't write in English…


台長: 有機哈密瓜
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