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今日的祝福話語 文章數:3
始:l love my uniqueand wonderful life.我愛我獨一無二而且美好的生活。(隨意抽)l am the radiant sun in my l... (詳全文)
發表時間:2014-11-19 23:21:01 | 回應:0
始:l bless every single cell of my body with relaxing love.我用輕鬆的愛來祝福自己。我祝福我自己身體的每一個細... (詳全文)
發表時間:2014-11-19 23:11:38 | 回應:0
I have the right the ability to express my rage ,anger and opinion without hurting anyone or losing their lo... (詳全文)
發表時間:2014-11-17 22:44:21 | 回應:0
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