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2006-03-12 15:32:53| 人氣27| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

^__^ didnt get disappointed

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肥晶 finally did her best.....
haha i will give her my comics
haha didnt let me disappointed....
my little + oil didnt waste it..

to9 very happy went to K, ate late dinner (for me) i think they kinda ate already, o well... and chat with all of u guys... ’’

haha n talked about the wedding (haha my frd’s wedding) seem kinda exciting... n finally i found out what can i do.. for my frd in the wedding hoho

but =.= have headache what to wear... GOD.... ........ 100% pant.... kaka... but what about the top..... ><|||

exciting.... waiting for next sunday... YEAH.....

台長: eggtak
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