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2007-06-06 08:02:40

how long?

how long i havnet come to here, is quite a long time la, i didnt forget here, is just didnt come in, ... anyway i m bk again....

2006-09-05 13:17:36


Men usually thought Women is hard to get what they think. But i think Women also hard to get what Women think. Dont u think so too....?

2006-09-05 13:17:30


Today night i suddenely wanna write down my journal again, i donno is there any any reason just suddenely wanna write down my thought, count count my finger i havent come here for a long time. Sud...

2006-04-20 14:20:50


我守候在你家的门外, 整个晚上都不离开, 回想你靠在我的胸怀, 我要将感觉留到 everynight , 走在吵闹拥挤的人海, 我想要好好感觉你的存在, 望着遥远灰色的星海, 一个人孤独的发呆, 我依然还在等待,...

2006-03-27 13:57:03


"pirceless" today i heard this word again, made me remember .. long time ago.. u said i m ur pirceless too... i m the important person to u... but today... i dont think i m pirceless n imp...

2006-03-27 13:53:38


... i still miss u i miss u .............. i really hope the day that we broke up is "愚人節" so i could only think that u r joking with me..

2006-03-12 15:41:57

TEST ~~~

GOD.... what the .... got test this week thanks god that this week almost over.... the simple math question... play me around... >< how come i cant do those easy math.. god... =.= only di...

2006-03-12 15:32:53

^__^ didnt get disappointed

肥晶 finally did her best..... haha i will give her my comics haha didnt let me disappointed.... my little + oil didnt waste it.. to9 very happy went to K, ate late dinner (for me) i think...

2006-03-05 02:36:25

Happy Birthday to me!!

ai... nothing wanna say 祝我生日快樂 donno will u even left me a message....

2006-03-01 12:24:57


i should stop listen to music for awhile... donno y i feel down to9... y when i was by myself... i would think about u... i already... move along for awhile... but u still in my heart... if i ...

2006-01-25 12:16:50


http://blog.xuite.net/bibimars/372001/4599972#trackback 習慣被拒絕的人會先拒絕 這一次至少是我先說離別 有一些痛楚看不見淚水 有一種防衛叫做我無所謂 要讓你快樂原是我的心願 可是你從不在意我的傷悲...

2006-01-24 11:50:53


maybe is time for me to take a shower n wash away something that is not suppose on my face... i wanna stay under the sky n look up.... no more "1000 miles" tomorrow plx...

2006-01-24 11:37:11

"Anything But Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne

Sometimes I get so weird I even freak myself out I laugh myself to sleep It’s my lullaby Sometimes I drive so fast Just to feel the danger I wanna scream It makes me feel alive Is it enough...

2006-01-20 14:28:08


the person whom i love n the person who love me is at the very far place. when will u come n held this lonely heart and make me happy... when u find me ...

2006-01-20 14:25:12


i m unhappy............. i m.............. i dont wanna have 2 faces anymore......... i dont want to.................

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