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2005-09-27 05:40:11| 人氣15| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

桃花的動情指數 [17]

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And so it is.

20 days later.

After 100 times of listening to The Blower’s Daughter
the heartbreaking voice of Damien Rice

I’ve made my decisions.

Things have happened.

And shit happened as well.

I realized it is not going to happen with me and flower.

I deleted him from MSN, and from my cell phone.

I cannot do it anymore.

Cannot let myself be a love fool anymore

He is not going to love me as I have hoped he would.

As sad and self-pitied as I can be, I decided not to go in that misery.

I picked up The Rules and started reviewing it again.

Mistake, mistake, mistake

Silly me

I have got the mistakes

Written all over

台長: gem_cooky
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