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心事 文章數:4
不能說出口的便在胸口澎湃著悶的久了便麻木了可這麻痺是一陣一陣是壓抑是自我催眠是沒能誠實面對他人是沒能仔細看待自... (詳全文)
發表時間:2011-12-14 02:55:21 | 回應:0
I'm not leavingYou're not stayingOur love has no seperation (詳全文)
發表時間:2010-04-17 12:16:36 | 回應:0
我試圖褪去一切褪去我的衫,我的面容,我的意識關於一切的形體都想脫胎換骨試想如果換個髮型換個膚色換個身型試著掛上... (詳全文)
發表時間:2010-01-21 00:36:05 | 回應:0
The truth is that I still miss you so much every single dayHow is it going recently?Is everything alright?I wa... (詳全文)
發表時間:2008-10-26 23:23:50 | 回應:0
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