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2004-11-08 06:22:25| 人氣14| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Diario 11

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Nov 7th, 04 1900
我覺得自己十分沒用, 根自己愛的人也這麼的不肯定, 我很想跟他説, 可是又怕, 我也受不住四方八面的壓力. After he wrote me that email telling me to 分手後, 我一直也睡不著, 吃不安, 星期五返學後, 我忍不住走到他工作的地方找他, 他跟我説他不能談話因為他正在工作. 我坐在一旁, 也不知道呆了多久, 肚裡子感到一陣悶熱, 眼角也充滿了淚水, my body was very very heavy, 但是我終於站起來, 一步一步的走向巴士站, 當我正要過馬路的時候, i felt very very dizzy so i crouched and everything went black. The passer by carried me into a shop nearby and i am not sure how long i had lied there, 不過當我有半點醒的時候, my whole body started to shake, i couldnt feel my hands, they were all tight, i couldnt stretch them. 我開始抽搐, i mean my whole body was jerking, it was terrible... 我現在想起也覺得可怕. I remembered that i cried because i was scared... i then pass put again, and when i got up, i was in the hospital already. Before i left, i was told to go for a body check, they asked me many questions like if i had taken drugs or if i am pregnant, i am not pregnant, i dun think i am although my period hadnt come yet, i had not taken any drugs, i just got up of the skool and i had never taken drugs anyways, i smoked cigarettes, as far as that. 我男朋友知道了, 他走來了. I decided to move out 跟他一起, 我受不了這些shock 吧, 我感到painful, lot of pressure. 我只想跟他一起.
I was also told to do a blood test to see if i have epilepsy, 這個太誇張吧, 雖然我之前也試過抽筋但我想是因為我太Tired 了吧. I dun know, havent been thinking much these days, my mind went blink and my limbs are numb, not really like numb but so damn tired, couldnt feel them much or control them well....

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