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2005-03-04 07:22:25

Diario 13

well, 今日可以打中文, but there is only changjie which i dun really know how to use it... and i added simplified chinese but u have to restart the pc... 好煩....

2005-01-21 11:22:25

Diario 12

Jan 21/05 happy new year to everybody (though itz a bit late), i cant read chienese from this pc... so... wutever! well... i am still STUCK in chile, haha.. but i am happy! not much to say.. wri...

2004-11-17 02:22:25

Diario 11

Hey buddy.... como estan? estoy aki en un ciber.... i am here in a cyber cafe with computers that support NO chinese... and i cant read a thing here. Well... skool is over... but i havent grad yet...

2004-11-08 06:22:25

Diario 11

Nov 7th, 04 1900 我覺得自己十分沒用, 根自己愛的人也這麼的不肯定, 我很想跟他説, 可是又怕, 我也受不住四方八面的壓力. After he wrote me that email telling me to 分手後, 我一直也睡不著, 吃不安, 星期...

2004-10-24 09:22:24

Diario 10

Oct 23, 04 2223 hey guys, i've been trying hard to log in, i thought dat i was gonna lose it and my diaries as well. And u know wut i am writing about, a story in chinese, english and spanish as ...

2004-09-10 11:22:24

Diario 9

Sept.10/04 2355 well.. i am fine... still alive... i dun know... into many many troubles recently and everything is tight... and fucking nervous.... dammit...!

2004-08-22 07:22:24

Diario 8

Aug 21st, 04 7:30pm Fuck~ it hurts so much... :( and i am scared! 我發現我左邊胸有一塊又大又硬下既野... 仲好痛...我唔知咩黎...都仲未去睇醫生....但係我下星期會去. 好驚,我唔知咩黎..and 好痛呀. 我...

2004-08-15 06:22:24

Diario 7

Aug 14th, 04 好撚悶d智利仆街, 無端端比人鬧.... 而家都唔知點算好. Guido以為我係到玩緊佢...but honestly我真係唔係玩緊佢架!我係認真! last night he didnt come, 我自己一個人諗得好清楚... 我真係唔係玩緊...

2004-08-09 10:22:24

Diario 6

Aug 2nd, 04 1200 Last night Guido 又係我度訓, 做愛做到4am…. 6:30am便起床返學…唔… I miss the morning kiss…. 不過佢今晚11:30就走喇… 走去New Zealand, well…咁當然係分手喇… 我地都唔會keep long ...

2004-08-09 05:22:24
2004-08-09 05:22:24
2004-08-09 05:22:24

Diario 6

Aug 2nd, 04 1200 Last night Guido 又係我度訓, 做愛做到4am…. 6:30am便起床返學…唔… I miss the morning kiss…. 不過佢今晚11:30就走喇… 走去New Zealand, well…咁當然係分手喇… 我地都唔會keep long ...

2004-08-09 05:22:24

Diario 6

Aug 2nd, 04 1200 Last night Guido 又係我度訓, 做愛做到4am…. 6:30am便起床返學…唔… I miss the morning kiss…. 不過佢今晚11:30就走喇… 走去New Zealand, well…咁當然係分手喇… 我地都唔會keep long ...

2004-08-09 05:22:24

Diario 6

Aug 2nd, 04 1200 Last night Guido 又係我度訓, 做愛做到4am…. 6:30am便起床返學…唔… I miss the morning kiss…. 不過佢今晚11:30就走喇… 走去New Zealand, well…咁當然係分手喇… 我地都唔會keep long ...

2004-08-09 05:22:24

Diario 6

我頂您呀...load緊第5次喇...  Aug 2nd, 04 1200 Last night Guido 又係我度訓, 做愛做到4am…. 6:30am便起床返學…唔… I miss the morning kiss…. 不過佢今晚11:30就走喇… 走去New Zealand, well…...

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