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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2014-01-04 13:06:50

[UVA][二分] 12715 - Watching the Kangaroo

SampleInput13 27 1514 1001 1110120SampleOutputCase 1:30題目描述:給一堆區間,接著詢問座標 x 可以在哪個區間內左右展開最大。題目解法:二分搜尋左右兩端的最大值,然後二分搜尋是否左邊的最大值大於等於右端點...

2014-01-01 20:57:21

[2014/1/1] 又一年

想必不用多說,這一篇文章的內容也是可想而知。首先,已經很少寫 ACM 的題目,也不是不想寫,猜想是處於厭倦期吧。如果再這麼寫下去,又到底能做些什麼?而最近都在寫一些 JAVA 的程式設計,寫的東西並不多,但是寫法...

2013-12-30 08:39:24

[高等演算法] 雜II

高等演算法 第 6 次作業1. Show that LCD≦LIS and LCS≦LIS. Does this result imply that there exist O(n logn) algorithms for LCD and LCS? (Here n represents the input length.)// Longest Chain of Dominat...

2013-12-28 20:39:04

[数据结构与算法] 第14周 高级数据结构(2)

1:牛奶模式 描述农场主约翰注意到他家奶牛提供的牛奶质量每天各不相同。通过进一步调查,他发现尽管他不能通过一天的牛奶质量预测下一天,但是每天的牛奶质量存在规律。为了进行严密的研究,他发明了一个复杂的分类机...

2013-12-28 12:20:48

[数据结构与算法] 第13周 高级数据结构(1)


2013-12-27 20:45:19

[数据结构与算法] 第12周 索引技术 作业题

1:倒排索引描述给定一些文档,要求求出某些单词的倒排表。对于一个单词,它的倒排表的内容为出现这个单词的文档编号。输入第一行包含一个数N,1 <= N <= 1000,表示文档数。接下来N行,每行第一个数ci,表示第...

2013-12-27 20:40:13

[数据结构与算法] 第11周 检索 作业题


2013-12-16 19:26:06

[HTML5][簡易] 流幕動畫

繪製處理與一般 java application 的 paint 類似。要如何做到層次淡化處理 ?每畫一次線段,就將整個畫面覆蓋透明度很低的黑幕,如此以來原來有線的地方會隨時間而被黑幕遮蔽。<html> <head> <meta ht...

2013-12-15 19:35:52

[UVA][bfs] 633 - A Chess Knight

A Chess Knight Presumably everybody knows how a knight can move on a chessboard. One may agree that its movements are quite monotonous, so to make them more entertaining let's define a so cal...

2013-12-15 19:32:48

[UVA][模擬] 654 - Ratio

Ratio If you ever see a televised report on stock market activity, you'll hear the anchorperson say something like ``Gainers outnumbered losers 14 to 9,'' which means that for every 14 stocks ...

2013-12-15 19:27:54

[UVA][dp] 11400 - Lighting System Design

Problem F Lighting System Design Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output You are given the task to design a lighting system for a huge conference hall. After doing a lot of ca...

2013-12-15 19:11:31

[UVA][greedy] 11493 - The Club Ballroom

The Club Ballroom The Problem The Tingua Social Club is building its new ballroom. The club members wish to have the floor covered with wood planks, as they consider this to be the best fo...

2013-12-15 19:06:01

[UVA][線段交] 393 - The Doors

The Doors You are to find the length of the shortest path through a chamber containing obstructing walls. The chamber will always have sides at x=0, x=10, y=0, and y=10. The initial and final p...

2013-12-12 21:18:43


「曾交往了三年的女生發來這麼一條短訊 "我依舊還是喜歡著你" 」「我們即使發了一千次的短訊 ... 但心與心之間,估計只能靠近一厘米」「過往數年間我只是想著先往前走,想要觸摸遙不可及的事物, 但連那具體的目標是...

2013-12-11 07:57:03

[UVA][dp] 11499 - Longest Increasing Sequence

Longest Increasing Sub-sequence The Problem The problem of determining the longest increasing sub-sequence in a list of numbers is already a classic in programming competitions. Despite th...

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