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2007-05-13 14:47:50| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

You and I (song to share)

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~~A song from Michael Buble - (It’s Time)

Here we are on earth toghether
It’s you and I
God has made us fall in love
It’s true
I really found someone like you

Will it stay
For love you feel for me
Will it stay
but you will be on my side
to see me through
until my life is through

Where in my mind
We can conquer the world
In love, you and I, you and I
You and I

I am glad
and it’s in my life
I found someone
that may not be here forever to see my through
but I found my dream in you
Cuz in my mind
You will stay here always, In Love
You and I, you and I, you and I,
You and I.

台長: 吉麗安
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