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2004-05-06 04:04:16

睡袍 Nightclothes

媽媽: 穎恩站好,幫你照張相. 穎恩心想: 媽媽蹲著,我也跟著蹲著好了. 媽媽: . . . . . . 三姨婆給我一件很厚的日式睡袍,本來媽媽以為沒什麼用,沒想到真的派上用場,而且還好用的很,因為我會踢被子,媽媽一個晚上...

2004-05-03 05:16:04

畫畫 Drawing

我很喜歡畫畫,雖然到目前為止都還是亂塗一通,不過看起來一副煞有介事,就像個小畫家.對了,我還會用左手畫喔,不過媽媽要我多用右手. I like to draw although I draw nothing so far. Anyway, I look like a little...

2004-05-02 05:28:00

畫畫 Draw

我最喜歡畫畫了,雖然到目前為止都還是亂塗一通,不過看起來像煞有介事.就像個小畫家.對了,我還會用左手畫喔,可是媽媽要我多用右手. I like to draw althouh I draw nothing so far, but I look like a little arti...

2004-05-02 05:06:47

擺 Pose


2004-05-01 22:00:56

音樂噴泉 Music Fountain

在Fort Lauderdale,晚上我最喜歡去的地方,就是音樂噴泉,那真的好漂亮,我可以待上半小時一直看著五彩繽紛的水柱,並跟著音樂律動,真是棒極了! In Fort Lauderdale, my favorite activity in the evening is to see ...

2004-05-01 21:37:40

好朋友 POOH

Winnie the Pooh 是我的好朋友,我一共有兩個Pooh喔,一個是鄰居借我玩的,一個是爸媽買給我的. Winnie the Pooh is my good friend. I have two Pooh bears, one was from my neighbor and the other was from my p...

2004-05-01 04:30:30

一歲了 One year old

我一歲了!第一次過生日,還有漂亮的蠟燭,加上一個大蛋糕,真好玩! I am one year old. This is my first birthday. I get a big cake with a beautiful candle. It's fun.

2004-05-01 04:12:00

臉盆澡盆 Bath Tub

住旅館沒有小朋友的澡盆該怎麼辦?媽媽靈機一動,乾脆就把臉盆洗一洗當澡盆好了,嗯,還剛剛好呢! Mother utilized a wash-basin as Ying-En's bath tub while we were traveling. How about that! (Picture was t...

2004-05-01 03:57:54

累攤了 Exhausted

親戚家實在太好玩了,有樓梯讓我上上下下的爬,還有好多東西可以探索,連午睡都捨不得睡,可是....還是累攤了. It was so great to play at my granduncle's house. However, I was exhausted. (Picture was taken...

2004-05-01 03:41:16

男生?女生? Boy or girl?

好多人都問我是男生還是女生,我要大聲說:我是男生! Many people ask mom that I am a boy or a girl. I AM A BOY! (Picture was taken at Tainan City, Taiwan.)

2004-04-30 04:14:23



2004-04-30 04:07:27


每天下午阿媽都會帶我出去散步,這天正好遇到媽媽下班回家,幫我照相...小雞腿真好吃. Grandma takes me out to have a walk every afternoon...my thumb is so delicious.

2004-04-30 03:54:00


大家都說我很可愛,眼睛很大,你覺得呢? People say I am cute, what do you think?

2004-04-30 03:41:28

新生兒 Newborn Baby

提早出生的穎恩,是個小不點,不過還好體重有超過2500kg,不然媽媽就沒法交代了. Ying-En was enjoying his new life on his birthday. He was 6 pounds while he was born. (Picture was taken on Ying-En's bi...

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