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2008-06-18 22:15:50| 人氣121| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

2008 G’Twn Horse show

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Let’s go!!!

Here we are!

Mommy’s friends-

Laura, aunti Daisy, Shashi, Aru, Arnup.

Thanks to them we have a nice cool place to sit and enjoy the show

busy settle down


More horses!!!

Is it "Lucky"?

(Amber and Chloe’s favorite book about a horse and a girl name Amy)

Leaving the show now..

Going to eat Sakura

Thanks for the ride,

See you next year :)

first time eating Sushi..

California roll and Crunchy Shrimp..

We still like beef/salmon teriyaki and
our all time favorite-"edamame" better.

give me some more rice..and that miso soup, too.

台長: Alice
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全站分類: 運動體育(各種運動、運動情報、球迷會)

Aunty Emily
2008-07-06 04:59:28
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