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2005-02-25 19:46:30| 人氣112| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Chinese New Year & The Subsequence

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It has been a while that I haven’t updated my writing. I wanted to write but seemed not to have time to type. :D

I had a good lunar new year’s holiday~ I spent four days in Tainan and 5 days in Taipei including my family’s tour. My parents had fun here though the weather didn’t help us any but spoiled our trip of Yang-ming Mountain instead. : ( It wasn’t raining in Taipei but was pouring down on the mountain. Besides, we didn’t go to the top floor of Taipei 101 as we’d planned for the bad weather again. -””- Except for those, we did enjoy our time in Dan-shui, Shi-lin night market, Taipei 101 mall and Warner Village as well as meal time (especially in Chang Shou Yi Qian and Tasty) :D

When staying in Tainan, I met up with two junior high school classmates, one of whom I haven’t seen for a few years. We had lunch in a nice ”new” (to me =.=) restaurant and chatted for long. - . - They are still almost as how they were (genuine and playful), which is good and priceless~ : ) Also, I visited historical sites once more but they were closed. There are only two days that they aren’t open for yearly cleaning (Chinese New Year’s eve and the day before it) and I was so ”lucky” to pick one of them, wasn’t I? =~=

Last week, I was so lazy because of natural tendency and reminiscence of the passing holidays. :D I basically did nothing besides having dinner with a senior high schoolmate on Saturday night and watching a few DVDs such as Office Space, Perfect Score and Rules of Engagement. Office Space was recommended by a friend. It is a funny comedy talking about dissatisfaction with mean and demanding bosses. Characters in the movie are all archetypes of different sorts of ordinary people. You’d find it interesting in how they react to their bosses. Perfect Score can be seen as a school version of Ocean’s Eleven/Twelve. Six high school students try to steal the answer sheets of SAT. They get to know each other in plotting and find their own score in the end. Rules of Engagement is about American Marine in Vietnam War and a Yemeni rebellion. A corporal was charged with murder, disobedience with militant acts and impeachment for peace when rescuing the American ambassador to Yemen and quelling the rebels. He asked the only person he trusted to be his lawyer who will be soon retired from the army and was saved by the corporal in Vietnam War. The movie portrays trustful friendship and leadership against corruptible bureaucracy with few battle scenes and a lot of court defending shots, which is worth watching.

台長: Dai Er Men De
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