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maths 非常急要 help~~


maths 非常急要 help~~


1.In a volleyball club, 1/3 of the members are male.This becomes 2/5 when 4 new male members join the club.Find the new number of members in the club.2. Jenny has some $1,$2 and $5 coins.It is known that the number of $1 coins is 2 times the number of $5 coins,while the number of $2 coins is less than that of $1... 顯示更多 1.In a volleyball club, 1/3 of the members are male.This becomes 2/5 when 4 new male members join the club.Find the new number of members in the club. 2. Jenny has some $1,$2 and $5 coins.It is known that the number of $1 coins is 2 times the number of $5 coins,while the number of $2 coins is less than that of $1 coins by 7.If the total value of the coins is $85,find the number of $2 coins. 3. Nicole made a profit of $432today by selling newspapers and magazines.The total number of newspapers and magazines sold was 136.If the profits of selling each newspapers and each magazines were $2.4 and $4.6 respectively,which type of publication sold today contributed a greater profit? 4. Celia has 2 bags of marbles.The total number of marbles is 162.She draws 1/4 of the marbles from bag A and puts them into bag B.The number of marbles in bag A is then 30 more than that in bag B.Find the original number of marbles in each bag. 更新: 求求各位善心人士幫幫忙求求你們 更新 2: thank you 更新 3: 這4題數學關於我的命運求求你們幫幫忙



< async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"> 1 Let there are x male members originally.Then (2/5)(3x + 4) = x + 46x + 8 = 5x + 20x = 12So, there are 12*3 + 4 = 40 number of members in the club.2 Let there are x $5 coins, 2x $1 coins and (2x - 7) $2 coinsThen 5x + 2x + 2(2x - 7) = 8511x - 14 = 85x = 9The no. of $2 coins is 113 Let the no. of newspapers and magazines sold were x and y respectively.Then x + y = 1362.4x + 4.6y = 432Solve the equations, x = 88 y = 48.Profit generated by newspaper = 88*2.4 = 211.2 > 432 - 211.2 = 220.8So, newspaper contributed a greater profit.4 Let the original no. of marble in bag A and B are x and y respectivelyThen x + y = 162(3/4)x = y + (1/4)x + 30Solve the equations, x = 128, y = 34There are 128 marbles in bag A and 34 marbles in bag B.


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