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2006-09-26 03:17:40| 人氣3,035| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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凌晨4:12分. 一個人失眠. 只有老歌.

張惠妹 - 讓每個人都心碎

城市一片漆黑 誰都不能看見誰 
我讓自己喝醉 沒有你我就不能入睡 
我說過我絕對 不會後悔 寂寞是被原諒的罪
愛情怎麼讓每個人 都心碎 怎麼去安慰
愛情怎麼讓每個人 都流淚
你的淚燙傷我的臉 那一次我嚐到傷悲
你的淚燙傷我的臉 從此就再也說不出 我愛誰

張信哲 - 愛如潮水

作詞:李宗盛 作曲:黎沸揮




張雨生 - 口是心非

作詞:張雨生 作曲:張雨生

口是心非 你深情的承諾都隨著西風飄渺遠走
癡人夢話 我鐘情的倚托就像枯萎凋零的花朵
星火燎原 我熱情的眼眸曾點亮最燦爛的天空
晴天霹靂 你絕情的放手在我最需要你的時候

於是愛恨交錯人消瘦 怕是怕這些苦沒來由
於是悲歡起落人靜默 等一等這些傷會自由

口是心非 你矯情的面容都烙印在心靈的角落
無話可說 我縱情的結果就像殘破光禿的山頭
渾然天成 我純情的悸動曾奔放最滾燙的節奏
不可收拾 你濫情的拋空所有晶瑩剔透的感受

王菲 - 彼岸花

作詞:林夕 作曲:王菲 編曲:張亞東

看見的 消失了
消失的 記住了
我站在 海角天涯
聽見 土壤萌芽
等待 曇花再開
把芬芳 留給年華
彼岸 沒有燈塔
我依然 張望著
天黑 刷白了頭髮
緊握著 我火把
他來 我對自己說
我不害怕 我很愛他

張惠妹 - I’m Amazed

作詞:許常德 作曲:黃大煒

就算愛危機四伏陰晴曖昧 我只憑直覺
幸福 到嘴乾杯 太烈 也逼出眼淚
是決心 才能嚐盡愛滋味
壞了也無所謂 愛人 何必在乎絕對完美
I am amazed 有太多感覺 我要高飛
和天作對 就算輸也贏到乾脆
你又是誰 你不愛你不瞭解
I am amazed 就算一切並不是我能給
如果心瞬間綻放萬朵薔薇 那只是陶醉
日光沒有月色伴隨 也只是疲累
誓言是 點綴燭光晚餐夜 紙摺的紅玫瑰
愛我 不用太多華麗詞彙
別讓我心碎 心碎 一意孤行已沒路後退
如果我心碎 心碎 我能拿什麼去拒絕
就算愛危機四伏陰晴曖昧 我只憑直覺
幸福 到嘴乾杯 太烈 也逼出眼淚
是決心 才能嚐盡愛滋味
壞了也無所謂 愛人 何必在乎絕對完美
I am amazed 有太多感覺
我要高飛 和天作對 就算輸也贏到乾脆
你又是誰 你不愛你不瞭解
I am amazed 就算一切並不是我能給
閉上眼伸出雙臂只想擁抱 面前的一切
相愛 如果可以被抹滅 也失去原味
燈滅了 更能看清黑暗內 那些寂寞徘徊
明天 不必急於現在面對
別讓我心碎 心碎 一意孤行已沒路後退
如果我心碎 心碎 我能拿什麼去拒絕
別讓我心碎 心碎 一意孤行已沒路後退
如果我心碎 心碎 我不會挽回
我不會落淚 I am amazed

張國榮 - 夜半歌聲

曲:張國榮 詞:莫如升 編:符元偉

只有在夜深 我和你才能
敞開靈魂 去釋放天真
把溫柔的吻 在夜半時分
化成歌聲 依偎你心門
我祈禱星辰 月兒來作證
用盡一生 也願意去等
總會有一天 把心願完成

林志炫 - 蒙娜麗莎的眼淚

作詞:鄭華娟 作曲:鄭華娟

在浪漫之都 妳看到了蒙娜麗莎的微笑
妳說這對妳很好 這次旅行讓妳渡過了感情的低潮
妳覺得曾經愛的太苦 感謝我聽妳傾訴 溫柔的痛哭
在我的夢裡 因為可以和妳相愛而驕傲
然而妳都不知道 我期待在妳愛的世界裡變得重要
妳要把愛人慢慢尋找 對妳付出的一切
蒙娜麗莎 她是誰 她是否也曾為愛爭論錯與對
為什麼你總留給我失戀的淚水 卻把妳的感情付給別人去摧毀
蒙娜麗莎 她是誰 它是否也曾為愛尋覓好幾回
她的微笑那麼神秘 那麼美 或許她也走過感情的千山萬水
才發現 愛妳的人 不會讓他的蒙娜麗莎 流眼淚

莫文蔚 - 十二樓


忘了關 那扇門 那扇窗 電光 石火 秋涼 孩子離開了鞦韆
最快要到七月再回來盪 影劇版依然沸沸揚揚 像極了槍聲大作
的靶場 工作了一整天只喝了 一碗冷湯 嗚...只有愛讓人心情
舒暢 嗚... 愛讓人興致高昂 向左 側身 半躺 等體溫下降
電視播吸煙對懷孕的影響 是誰在十二樓嚷嚷 日子像是道灰牆
罵它也沒有回響 呀呀呀呀呀呀呀 女優與假知青的戀情終於曝光
嗚....只有愛讓人心情舒暢 嗚....愛讓人興緻高昂 向左 側身
半躺 攏絡睡意上床 電視裡師奶被催眠在現場 十八台熱情奔放
日子像是道灰牆 罵它沒有回響 呀呀呀呀呀 好像越不想怎樣
就越是怎樣 忘了關 那扇門 那扇窗 電光 石火 秋涼 孩子離
開了鞦韆 最快要到七月再回來 盪 影劇版依然沸沸揚揚 像極
了槍聲大作的靶場 工作了一整天只喝了 一碗冷湯

Wendy Matthews - The Day You Went Away

Hey, does it ever make you wonder
what’s on my mind
I, I was only ever running back to your side
I never cried, I just watched my life go by
It’s just a pack of lies,
’cause you’re leaving me behind
Why, after this long is there nothing
I’ll keep, oh, I can shout
you’ll pretend you’re falling asleep
I live a lie, yeah, believing that you’re mine
It’s just a waste of time
’cause you’re leaving me behind

Hey, there’s not a cloud in the sky
It’s as blue as your goodbye
and I thought it would rain
on a day like today
Hey, there’s not a cloud in sight
it’s as blue as your blue goodbye
and I thought it would rain
the day you went away

Hey, does it ever make you wonder what’s on my mind
I was only ever running back to your side
Hey, there’s not a cloud in the sky
it’s as blue as your goodbye
and I thought it would rain
on a day like today

Hey, there’s not a cloud in sight
it’s as blue as your blue goodbey
and I thought it would rain
the day you went away

He’s on the buses, and the aeroplanes
with some groceries and a sleeping bag....

Darren Hayes - Insatiable

When the moonlight crawls along the street
Chasing away the summer heat
Footsteps outside somewhere below
The world revolves, I let it go
We build our church above the street
We practice love between these sheets
The candy sweetness scent of you
It bathes my skin, I’m stained in you

And all I can do is hold you
There’s a racing within my heart
And I am barely touching you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off, let me show
My love for you
Turn me on, never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

The moonlight plays upon your skin
A kiss that lingers takes me in
I fall asleep inside of you
There are no words, there’s only truth
Breathe in breathe out, there is no sound
We move together up and down
We levitate, our bodies soar
Our feet don’t even touch the floor

But nobody knows you like I do
This world it don’t understand
That I grow stronger in your hands

Turn the lights down low
Take it off, let me show
My love for you
Turn me on, never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off, let me show
My love for you
Turn me on, never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you
Insatiable, baby

We never sleep, we’re always holding hands
Kissing for hours, talking and making plans
I feel like a better man, just being in the same room

We never sleep, there’s just so much to do
So much to say, can’t close my eyes
When I’m with you
The way I’m loving you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off, let me show
My love for you
Turn me on, never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you

Turn the lights down low
Take it off, let me show
My love for you
Turn me on, never stop
Wanna taste every drop
My love for you
Insatiable, baby

When I look in your eyes...

Ronan Keating - If Tomorrow Never Comes

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She’s lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she’s my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes.

’Cause I’ve lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there’s no second chance
To tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she’s my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you’re thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

陳奕迅 - 沒有手機的日子

拿著骨董的筷子 捕捉呻吟的蚊子
剝開燙手的栗子 給你幸福的種子

沒有預訂的日子 看著你樣子
沒有節目的日子 才是好日子

看著我們的影子 想像未來的孩子
蓋個半坪的房子 臉孔貼著你鼻子

沒有手機的日子 索住你脖子
沒有手機的日子 才能這樣子
你是我牽著手在原始森林的猿人 娘子

沒有手機的日子 不會出亂子
沒有手機的日子 過這一輩子
你是我牽著手在原始森林的猿人 娘子

林志穎 - 真的真的

當愛背叛承諾 讓誰都無力掙扎
你還在我心上 親愛的你知不知道
最初的熱烈 找誰去要
我真的真的不能忘記你 我愛你

梁朝偉 - 乘幸福毀滅之前

如果注定要悲情, 我為何而生
愛會是一輩子的事, 只是我不能
說了慌去掩飾, 一開始的真

為何要選擇離開, 誰也不情願
而青梅竹馬的回憶, 已經沒有人, 會去記得
說不出, 我原是來自哪裡的人

我只能站在這裡, 為自己戴上面具

只是我措手不及, 應該多點勇氣

Roy Orbison - Crying

I was all right for a while,
I could smile for a while
But I saw you last night,
you held my hand so tight
As you stopped to say ”Hello”
Ah you wished me well, you couldn’t tell

That I’d been crying over you,
crying over you
Then you said ”so long”
left me standing all alone
Alone and crying, crying, crying, crying
It’s hard to understand but the touch of your hand
Can start me crying

I thought that I was over you but it’s true, oo so true
I love you even more than I did before
but darling what can I do
For you don’t love me and I’ll always be

Crying over you, crying over you
Yes, now you’re gone and from this moment on
I’ll be crying

I thought that I was over you but it’s true, oo so true
I love you even more than I did before but darling what can I do
For you don’t love me and I’ll always be

Crying over you, crying over you
Yes, now you’re gone and from this moment on
I’ll be crying

crying, crying, crying
Yeah crying, crying, crying over you

台長: Tempsfuit
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