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【人氣產品排行榜】BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Modular RF i-Size提籃和座椅套裝組合 新款3C商品介紹




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BeSafe iZi Modular RF i-Size Set 設計式樣: Sunset Mélange · 2019

The innovative 3-in-1 child safety seat system iZi Modular by BeSafe combines maximum safety, highest comfort and modern design.

With this modular system, your little passenger travels safely in a rear-facing mode from birth up to the age of about 4 years.

Group and weight category:

  • Group 0+ iZi Modular Base in combination with the iZi Modular infant car seat: from birth up to about 12 months (height: 40 - 75 cm)

  • Group 1 iZi Modular Base in combination with the iZi Modular RF rear-facing child safety seat: from 6 months up to approx. 4 years (height: 61 - 105 cm)

Conforms to standard:

  • UN R129 (i-size)

With the iZi Modular i-Size Base your little one is provided with the best protection while driving. First, you have to新款3C商品介紹 attach the infant car seat to the base and then, when your child is taller, you can move on to the rear-facing child safety seat. Both seats can be clicked onto the base easily.

The Isofix hooks are flexible and thus ensure easy installation. The Isofix base can be connected to the Isofix anchor points in your car i限時活動回饋n a quick and easy way - thanks to the direct connection to the body of the vehicle, maximum safety is ensured.

The rear-facing infant car seat BeSafe iZi Go Modular i-Size is perfectly suitable for children with a body height of 40 to 75 cm. The optimised safety standards of the company BeSafe guarantee your chi活動限時折扣ld an increased protection of the head and neck and provide extra-high side impact protection.

Furthermore, the BeSafe infant car seat Seat iZi Go Modular i-Size is equipped with an ergonomic rollover bar which ensures that you can carry the infant car seat in the easiest way possible.

The BeSafe iZi Modular child safety seat is suitable for your small passenger from a body height of 61 cm to 105 cm and is to be installed in a rear-facing mode since using the car seat in this mode for a longer time provides more protection of the head and neck.

Thanks to the very good resting position, your child is provided with perfect seating comfort - that way, there is nothing standing in the way of a little nap in between times. The headrest that can be adjusted in 10 different levels offers your child maximum protection in every stage of their growth.

The magnetic belt assistant is ideal for placing your child into the seat in an easy and comfortable way as it prevents the straps from getting in the way.

The adjustable rollover bar of the base comes in handy especially when your child gets taller. It provides more legroom and comfort while riding in a rear-facing position.

Details of BeSafe Infant Car Seat iZi Go Modular i-Size:

  • Group 0+

  • Suitable for babies with a height of 40 to 75 cm

  • Installation with car's own three-point belt or BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size Base

  • Installation in forward-facing or rear-facing mode

  • Rollover bar with ergonomic design so that you can carry the iZi Go Modular i-Size comfortably on your arm
  • 時尚商品

  • Extra-wide canopy with high UV protection (UPF 50+)

  • Thanks to the magnetic belt assistant, you can place your baby into the infant car seat comfortably without the straps getting in the way

  • The buckle is particularly flat so that it is out of the way when placing your baby into the infant car seat

  • Extra comfort for the baby

Details of BeSafe Rear-Facing car seat iZi Modular RF i-Size:

  • Rear-facing car seat for children with a body height of 61 - 105 cm

  • Installation via the Isofix base (not included in delivery)

  • Excellent resting position

  • Ample legroom even for taller children

  • Headrest can be adjusted in 10 different levels

  • 2 removable seat reducers

  • Side Impact Protection SIP+

  • 5-point harness with magnetic belt assistant

  • Weight 9.7 kg

Details of BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size Base:

  • Long service life, as it can be used for two consecutive child car seat groups

  • Suitable for BeSafe Baby Seat iZi Go Modular i-Size (Group 0/0 +, 40 to 75 cm)

  • Suitable for BeSafe child seat iZi Modular (Group 0 + / 1, 61 to 105 cm)

  • Adjustable rollover bar which allows both compact installation and more legroom for child

  • Isofix Base

  • Easy installation with one hand

  • Safe and good

  • Installation with Isofix




BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Modular RF i-Size提籃和座椅套裝組合

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【華視新聞雜誌】跨「越」鴻溝三十年 擺脫污名 聽見新住民告白


以台為實驗場累積知識 日專家警告:中國意在干預美國大選

: 11月落幕的九合一大選結果引起國際關注,中國是否干預台灣選舉也成為各國媒體焦點。據日媒今(27)日報導,中國長期利用台灣作為其發揮各種影響力的試驗場,分析家更發出警告,中國正利用台灣作為「政治宣傳實驗室」(Propaganda),強化其網路工具來干預2020年的美國大選。

《日經亞洲評論》今日刊登駐台記者何貴森(Chris Horton)的撰稿。指稱由於地理、語言和文化上的相近性,中國長期將台灣作為其發揮各種影周年慶限時購買特價響力的「試驗場」,然後再將其成功的手段套用至其他國家。


華府SOS International的資深分析師杜蘭(Jessica Drun)在台灣選舉前發布報告,顯示中國影響台灣社群媒體的能力逐漸強大,例如一則疑似來自中國IP地址的假新聞,導致駐大阪辦事處前處長蘇啟誠的自殺。杜蘭更警告,「中國對台灣不實資訊的運作,可用來做為對付其他民主國家的藍圖」。






BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Modular RF i-Size提籃和座椅套裝組合

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