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U.S. issues athlete visas to professional gamers
In the eyes of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, League of Legends is now a professional sport.(Credit:Screenshot by GameSpot)The United cheap wow power leveling States is finally allowing foreign pro gamers to enter the country on a visa normally used by elite athletes. The move officially recognizes online game League of Legends as a professional sport, with players from U.K. clan Team Dignitas issued P-1 visas. "The lawyers had to go back and forth with U.S. Immigration for several months to get everything in place, especially understanding that this is a sport," Michael O'Dell, Dignitas' manager, told the BBC. To qualify for a P-1 visa, one has to demonstrate "a high level of achievement fast wow power leveling in a field evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition substantially above that ordinarily encountered, to the extent that such achievement is renowned, leading, or well-known in more than one country," according to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.Read more of "US issues athlete visas to professional gamers" at Crave UK.
U.S. issues athlete visas to professional gamers

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