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who owns the Commune restaurant

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Bombed Somali cafe manager: 'I will not deliver up'
21 September 2012Last updated from 13:Twenty-one GMT Share this page Delicious Digg Facebook reddit StumbleUpon Twitter Email Print Bombed Somali restaurant owner: 'I cannot give up' Ahmed Jama in addition has a restaurant relating to the beach front with Mogadishu Two destruction bombers in Mogadishu aimed a popular diner in the Somali money on Thursday night evening, eliminating about 16 people. Ahmed Jama, who owns the Commune restaurant, arrived to the area four years before from the Usa to go into small business - one of expatriates to continue home to guidance rebuild his / her war-ravaged country. He conveys to the BBC in regards to the attack, his / her decision an extra shot home remarkable hopes for the future. Ahmed Jama: Basically I can't believe stuff have transpired. I can't meow, but I have the pain. Continue reading the main story“Start off QuoteI feel the authorities have please let me down sizeable time”End QuoteAhmed Jama May expatriate rebuild Somalia? 12 things about Somalia I feel sorry for myself plus for all these friends and acquaintances who have ended up. The attack took place at relating to 10 minutes subsequent to 6pm in the evening before the prayers. One in the suicide blokes was in all the restaurant being dressed in a vest - the additional man seemed to be with a tool and he popped fire outdoor, killing the particular guy wash world of warcraft power leveling cars ( blank ) at this time this guy inside coffee shop decided on the stand where the cashier and coffee were and he blew himself way up. Outside, citizens were trying to cost get anywhere you want to hide out of the man with all the gun they usually had happen inside the building - then he dropped that gun, obeyed them inside and blew themself up with the latest grenade. More than 13 people died and more were definitely wounded : it is not one thing you expect. But I am the bodies have let me down hugely. I feel including they [the politicians] no more than care for them selves. I employ across 100 people today in some restaurants chiefly in Mogadishu, [I get one in London]. Funerals for some of one's victims have already been held about Friday This eating venue where the growing market happened is in the centre near to the Somali National Live entertainment. For the several other restaurant with Mogadishu [on the beach destination front] I have my own personal security to be and check customers coming in all night out. But to do this one because of location Some have agreement to have acquire. I asked the law and gran myself ( blank ) I suggested I need someone to look and watch for the reliability and no-one cleared me once again. They told me they've already the police in the area as they are upgrading the building across the restaurant. They didn't listen while i said it weren't enough reliability. 'Come back' I came back to make sure you Mogadishu in 2009. I had arrived at the UK for 1989, in Late. One of the venues I enjoyed was in Liverpool - wow power leveling that is where I decided to college under western culture Midlands. I studied caterers at school to become a kitchen. I proved helpful in Liverpool and then gone after London for further work along with experience with respect to my Curriculum vitae - and be able to opened many restaurants. Ahmed Jama mentioned the Hamlet had asked for better safety I decided to go lower back and make a move in my birthplace because it was basically time to relinquish something - I was working to show who if I go myself, they are come with me personally. My family continue to lives london - my wife runs your restaurant in Fulham [also called the Village] * my children enjoy there far too. I asked those to stay but additionally didn't hear me. I have spoken in order to my wife [since any attacks] - realistically she labeled as me, I did not call the woman's. Continue reading the key story“Start QuoteI can open the particular restaurant yet again - I may try and I'm not much of going to offer up”End QuoteAhmed Jama They invite me to come back - they assert: 'Don't stay over there.' Although, you know, I began something and i want to stop it : that's a destiny. Maybe I shall be one of those ghanaians will keep in mind -and I don't want to do without my ambitions. I will start the cafe again To I will make an effort to I'm not visiting give up. My decision was to act and as long as We live, Most definitely i'll continue : I'm a business enterprise guy with the help of restaurants that i'm going to continue that. I was missing family employed in the restaurant [as reported] but the many Somalis and all the people here are my family, my own men and women and associates countrymen. I can't returning in time As so now We're trying to end up strong.
Bombed Somali eating place owner: 'I don't give up'

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