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wow power levelingSony makes a simple declaration to much ap

Sony: 'We won't impose any restrictions on PS4 used games'
Sony makes a simple declaration to much applause (click image to enlarge). (Credit:Screenshot by David Carnoy/CNET)The battle lines have been drawn.After Microsoft created a controversy with an ambiguous used-games policy at the launch of the Xbox One, Sony's striking back with a simple message to gamers: "We won't impose any restrictions on used games" for the PS4. "I guess that's a good thing," said Jack Tretton, president and CEO Sony Computer Entertainment America, earning big applause from the crowd at Sony's press conference at E3. "When a gamer buys a PS4 disc, they have the rights to use that disc. They can sell it wow power leveling to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever."Tretton then went on to add that that games didn't need to be connected online to play, taking a swipe at Microsoft's new DRM program for the Xbox One. "It [the game] won't stop working if wow power leveling 1-100 you haven't authenticated within 24 hours," he said.For all intents and purposes, it appears that gamers will be able to treat and play PS4 games just as they would PS3 games. We'll see how -- or if -- Microsoft responds, but it clearly left Sony with an opening that Sony now seems determined to exploit. Sony drops a bomb on Microsoft
Sony: 'We won't impose any restrictions on PS4 used games'

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