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Wow Power Leveling 1-100 Apple

Twitter HQ could soon be supersized
Inside Twitter's San Francisco headquarters, as currently constituted.(Credit:James Martin/CNET)When big tech companies have plenty of cash, they tend to splash the extra funds on big, fancy campuses.Sometimes Wow Power Leveling 1-100 these facilities turn out to be shrines to themselves. Sometimes they're just necessary to accommodate a rapidly growing workforce.Consider one of Apple's projects that always seems to find itself on the back burner: its proposal for a futuristic new headquarters, often referred to as a "mothership." It's now one step closer to reality, as the Cupertino, Calif., planning commission Wednesday night approved Apple's plans. Still to come are a vote by the Cupertino city council on October 15 and a final vote on May 19. On the other side of the spectrum is a private company ready to go public: Twitter.The microblogging giant has been garnering attention as Wall Street and Silicon Valley alike wait for Twitter to reveal its initial public offering price this week.But it looks like Twitter is also planning to use some of its expanding wealth to expand its footprint. The social networking business has already positioned itself as an anchor project in the revitalization of the mid-Market corridor in San Francisco.Now, Twitter is reportedly doubling its efforts in this regard Wow Power Leveling 90-100 by doubling its office space too.Bloomberg reported late Wednesday that the social media company is hoping to lease a 320,000-square-foot office adjacent to its current home base, which it moved into last year.While there are some other big tech brands moving into the area, notably Spotify, Twitter's chances here look pretty good given that the news agency added it is the "only current suitor" for the location.This post has been adapted from the original, which appeared at ZDNet's Between the Lines under the headline "Office space: Apple, Twitter closer to super sizing their HQ footprints."
Twitter HQ could soon be supersized

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