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World Of Warcraft power leveling" Dotcom asked. "YES. Do 'go

U.S. skirts one roadblock to Kim Dotcom extradition
(Credit:Mega)The U.S. is one step closer to bringing Kim Dotcom to its shores.The New Zealand Court of Appeal today ruled World Of Warcraft power leveling that the U.S. government will not be required to turn over all of their evidence against Kim Dotcom in order to obtain his extradition to the States. A summary of its case, the judges ruled, will do just fine.The Wall Street Journal was first to report on the ruling.Dotcom had been hoping to force the U.S. government to present all of its evidence against him before it could move forward with hopes to extradite him from New Zealand. For over a year now, the U.S. has been trying to extradite the controversial MegaUpload founder, alleging that he was the brains behind an operation that allows users to store pirated movies, music, and other media illegally.Related storiesKim DotCom's 'Mega' goes liveKim DotCom promises 50GB for free from MegaFeds: MegaUpload was not entrappedDotCom promises splashy launch for MegaWeb media: The 5 biggest stories of 2012Dotcom took to his Twitter account today to rail against the court's ruling, saying that "the fight goes on." He added that he will next take his fight to the Supreme Court of New Zealand."Am I disappointed about the ruling today?" Dotcom asked. "YES. Do 'good faith' & 'US govt' go together? NO. Will I sleep like an innocent baby tonight? YES."Today's ruling comes a little over a month after Dotcom announced the launch of Mega, the follow-up to MegaUpload that allows for encrypted cloud storage of files. Like MegaUpload, Mega has caught the ire of copyright owners and the U.S.
U.S. skirts one roadblock to Wow Power Leveling Wod Kim Dotcom extradition

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