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2004-03-21 23:41:29| 人氣81| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Flow, River, Flow

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Sleeping a lot these few days
Always feeling very tired even after long-hr of sleeping

Always hiding myself at room
This feeling is really good

PBEC...really longing for this
I am not lucky these few days
Hoping God would bless me with that....

I want to get rid of something these few days
Just like a ballnoon with leakage of air...
Once you stop, someone gotta to get over you
I clearly understand this rule of the game
However, I keep ignoring this
Someone may think I am stupid
But I like this style

Today is such a wonderful day
Even tones of work is still waiting for me
many phone calls have to make....

I promise to myself
I would speak it out in Sept....
about 5-6 months later...
I won't regret for it
I don't expect anything back but just a way to get relieved
Really looking forward to this moment

Brave, Gentle, Sincere......

Sept is not far away...

I have to work much harder now......

26...another day for importance
May be...It would be none of my business
Anyway, hope this would be a awesome day for someone

I feel happy since....I really have made up two important decisions

Get to believe that nothing would be under my control

It is the rule of the game
It is the law.....

Flow, river, flow
Everything goes on so naturally and quietly......no one will know when the waves will come

台長: ~寥若晨星~
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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