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2008-09-09 10:00:05| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Taiwanese movies

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Since I am back to Taiwan, I’ve been hearing this Taiwanese movie, 海角七號, is good. I was trying to ask some people to go with me but I guess the damage has done so much to Taiwanese people’s heads so they don’t want to pay for it. somehow, the good movies don’t die and it keeps on performing well in the box office. Last night, I went to see the movie for ANOTHER Taiwanese new movie, 囧男孩, but my friend would rather to watch the No.7 thing. However, last night, yes, MONDAY night, the freaking No.7 movie at 7:40pm was SOLD OUT! wow...no kidding! Nevertheless, we went to see the boy movie and it was very HILARIOUS!! I guess after the freezing cold winter, the spring of Taiwanese movies has secretly started blossoming.

台長: Weirdude
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