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Build Your Blog!

In this material you will learn step by step how to make a website.

I'll present you 3 solutions for creating a blog:

1. using Blogger.com

2. using WordPress

3. using Joomla

1. Applying Blogger.com (www.blogger.com)

Blogger.com was launched in August 1999 by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan (Pyra Labs) and bought by Google in February 2003.

Blogger.com is one of the most popular solutions for blogging.

To make use of Blogger.com you should ma...

Want to have your own weblog?

Within this material you will learn step-by-step making a website.

I'll present you 3 solutions for creating a blog:

1. using Blogger.com

2. using WordPress

3. Learn further on an affiliated article directory - Click here: swellmarketing1.blogspot.com. using Joomla

1. Applying Blogger.com (www.blogger.com)

Blogger.com premiered in August 1999 by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan (Pyra Labs) and purchased by Google in February 2003.

Blogger.com is one of the most popular options for blogging.

To utilize Blogger.com you need to make a free account on the website. This really is easy, simply fill a quick online form together with your current email address, title, username and password.

You'll access dashboard, the place from where you develop websites and manage them. Press create a new blog and select a name (must be unique) and a blog target. I would suggest putting your keywords within the address and title.

After that just choose a template that you like and you have your blog.

Writer strengths:

Is free

Open source

Easy to use

Don t require a domain name or even a hosting company

Blogger weakness is the fact that you can reduce the data from your blog. Therefore keep every article in your hard disk.

Case of sites create with Blogger: http://affiliatesecretsrevealed.blogspot.com, a blog about affiliate marketing and http://funnygiftideas.blogspot.com a blog about interesting items.

2. Navigate to this hyperlink blogspot to read the reason for it. Using WordPress (www.wordpress.org)

WordPress is creating software with a concentrate on simple of use, speed and a great user experience.

WordPress is a strong individual publishing system, and it comes with a good group of functions designed to create your knowledge as a publisher online as easy, satisfying and attractive as possible.

For using WordPress you'll want a domain name and hosting.

To get a good hosting company visit www.web-hosting-advisor.info.

Fantastico, WordPress, and click deploy, if your hosting service gets the cpanel ap-plication installing WordPress is extremely easy: just visit cpanel. Just follow the knowledge on the screen.

If you dont have cpanel dont fear, download the mount set from http://wordpress.org/download. You will find WordPress online guide on http://codex.wordpress.org/Main_Page.

Read the information and follow the instruction, installation is easy.

WordPress strengths:

Is free

Easy to use


Minimal computer knowledge is demanded by weakness WordPress.

Example of blogs create with WordPres: www.plasmatelevisionadvice.info a blog about lcd television guidance, recommendations, shopping guide and www.gadgets-club.com a blog for gadget fans.

3. Using Joomla (www.joomla.org)

Joomla is just a free, open-source portal solution.

With Joomla it is possible to build a website and a portal.

Joomla is advised for someone who wants a lot more than a website.

You must have a domain name and hosting to be able to set up Joomla.

Installing Joomla is quite easy: just down load the system from http://forge.joomla.org/sf/frs/do/viewRelease/projects.joomla/frs.joomla_1_0.1_0_12, add it on your own server and click install.

Follow the on screen instructions you and is going to do fine.

Joomla strengths:

Is free


Simple to install

Generates a complete website, not really a website

Weakness of Joomla in the difficulty. It may take some time to understand how you can use it.

Example of websites create with Joomla: http://www.giftideasblog.net a blog that provides cool gifts and http://www.killdeal.info/content/blogsection a blog about hot offers and destroy deals.

Today it is around you to choose the s-olution that fits you best..

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